Chapter VII: Uncovering The Unknown

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     - The unknown clue is enshrouded by the piles of questions...

     Fate became speechless from what just happened. He doesn't know what to feel. He cannot even comprehend what does he feel. The surge of shock, fear, and surprise fused into something incomprehensible to him. Something even the most intelligent being cannot answer. The waves of painful sorrow and the adrenaline of shock made by the snapping of his father overwhelmed the peaceful solitude of the night Fate had just cherished. His night was ruined. The way he sees it, it looks like he won't achieve the peaceful isolation from the world he always wanted to experience. He could only wish for it and never actually experience and cherish it. Fate knows he could only live his fantasies inside his chaotic mind. He once again broke down and cried his grudge and animosity he feels for himself.

     He tried to hurt himself, but he had no courage to do so. Fate needs some rest, but it feels like the world doesn't want him to. It feels like the Eternal Primes and the Overseers only made him live just to slowly suffer and lose his sanity, leading him to take his life once and for all. But he thought,

     "No... this isn't worth it..."

     Waterfall of tears started to flow down from Fate's eyes. His eyes became red due to him crying for hours. It was heartbreaking for him to see his father becoming the shell of what he used to be. Fate is grieving for someone who's still alive - someone who lost their former self. His father became a stranger neither Fate nor his father himself know.

     He stayed on the hill once more to cherish the peaceful isolation from the world once more. He doesn't want to let go of this moment. This will be the last solitude he will be cherishing and Fate knew he really needs to embrace the cold breeze of the night. He tried to forget everything that had just happened. It was heartbreaking for him.

     "What did I do?

     "Why am I experiencing this?
     "When will I finally have a rest from this world?

     "When will I actually make a difference and prove myself to everyone?

     "How will I do it?

     "Why am I doing this?

     "Is this really worth it?"

      Fate could only question himself and never answer it. It boggles his mind. The fog of his questions to himself is very thick you can't even reflect on it and answer everything. Fate only knows one thing,

     "I will never stop finding answers... even if it costs me my sanity!"

     Fate wiped off the tears falling from his eyes. He finally gained composure. Fate got his cool. The fire of determination from Fate's heart finally burned again and lit the darkness from his heart. He must never stop proving himself. He knows he could make a difference - a difference so big that it will turn the tables for everyone.

     It is already midnight. If Fate never slept, he will be late for tomorrow for his training. The training will be tough for everyone. The training will be vigorous and nonstop. Exhaustion will never be an excuse for everyone to stop. If they failed their training, they will have themselves dead once The Triplet's Vow has started. Fate knows he needs to do his best.

     Fate left the hill and went to their house. Surprisingly enough, their door from the back of their house was closed, which never happens. Fate tried to knock, but he hesitated to do so. His father might be fast asleep already, and he didn't want to disturb it. Fate hopes the door isn't locked, though.

     He successfully opened the door. Fate thought he would be sleeping outside. Fate closed the door and the moment he shut the door, a book fell from their cupboard.

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