Chapter XVIII: The Price To Pay

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- An eye to eye will leave someone blind...

"It has been a long time already isn't it, Caeruleus?"

It has been a long time since Inzary and Caeruleus separated their paths. Unfortunately, the friendship they have built for as long as they could remember crumbled down. The bond between them was as strong as everyone could imagine has disintegrated - all down to a pile of rocks and dust.

"Yes, indeed, Inzary. It has been a very long time." Both of them exchanged gazes and glares as they walked in a circle.

"Do you still know what am I planning to do?" Inzary said. His voice giggled hysterically.

"Yes, I do. I clearly do. You told me that day... that very day where you told me you'd turn your back against everyone." Caeruleus' voice got fiercer. "Along with that, you also revealed every single diabolical plan you'll fulfill and swear to make it happen."

"What's with the voice, Caeruleus? I should be the one who's feeling what you are feeling right now! You do not have the right to be angry nor be infuriated on what I act and what I will act!"

"The end does not justify the means, Inzary!" Caeruleus suddenly struck his sword deep into the ground out of his anger. "Your plans will cost every innocent people who have no idea what this hell of a kingdom is secretly doing! You have to reconsider everything, Inzary. We could change the innocent ones if you could have consideration for them."

While Caeruleus is still speaking, Inzary immediately burst out laughing. Inzary saw Caeruleus as a mere joke - as someone that shouldn't be taken seriously. Inzary's laughter lasted for almost a minute before calming down.

"Are you kidding me, Caeruleus?! HAH HAH HAH HAH!!" Inzary once again burst out laughing hysterically. "Them?! Those 'innocent' people? The same 'innocent' people who killed my loved ones?! Those 'innocent' people who did not do anything but watch every single person important to me desperately beg for them to be saved?! Caeruleus, I never thought you'd grow up as a clown! HAH HAH HAH HAH!"

"Enough, Inzary... you don't know what you're saying..." Caeruleus replied.

"Oh, yes I do, Caeruleus! I am clearly aware of what I am saying and I know for the love of Eternal Primes what I am doing! This is just the start, Caeruleus! I am just getting started!"

"Then so be it, Inzary! I'll end this right here and right now!"

Caeruleus immediately pulled out his sword he stuck on the ground. Shortly after, he leaped towards Inzary, ready to slice him in half.

"Sigh, Caeruleus. It looks like you don't know me, after all."

Inzary, on the other hand, extended both of his arms in front of him and aimed them toward Caeruleus. At that moment, a beam of fire and ice made its way from Inzary's hands to Caeruleus' chest.

Caeruleus' reflexes were fast enough to block the incoming attack using his sword. The impact of Inzary's attack was strong enough to blast Caeruleus a
away with a significant distance.

Caeruleus fell from his back, but he stood up without any further ado. After standing up, he generated a shield from thin air. The shield's length extends from Caeruleus' chest to the ground.

"Yes, Inzary. You're right, I don't know you," Caeruleus said. His voice was as serious as a wolf's. "But there's also one thing you haven't realized."

"Come one, Caeruleus," Inzary taunted. His voice sounded wicked. "Tell me what it is, enlighten your former friend!"

Caeruleus immediately put his shield in front of him with his sword behind. "You clearly do not know me too, Inzary."

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