Chapter VIII, Act I: Escarion

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𝐹𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝐶𝑎𝑒𝑟𝑢𝑙𝑒𝑢𝑠' 𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒...


That was the first thing I have heard from your father. He shouted at the groups of Level Threes training themselves and each other, trying to get their attention, but the only response he got was,

"Scram! We do not want a frail weakling here!"

He was mocked instead. He thought he would be having friends, but it was just inside his imagination. He didn't even have the chance to introduce his name and get to know them. The groups of Level Threes proceeded on training themselves and ignored Escarion.

The eyes of your father were devastating. The hope of him having a friend to hang and train with was instantly replaced by regret and despair. The burning hope in his eyes was instantly burnt out.

He headed to somewhere hidden and I have decided to follow him. It is already lunch that time, but he never had the second thought of skipping his meal. On the contrary, he didn't want to eat his meal as it would just waste his time. He would only eat a piece of apple and drink water from the well everyone drinks at. Most of the time, he would just skip his meal. He only eats during dinner. He never takes a rest even if he's already soaked in sweat, exhausted from the heat of the Sun and his excessive training.

One time, I decided to secretly follow him again, but I accidentally stepped on a twig and made a noise.

"Who is there? S-show yourself!" He nervously shouted. He pulled out the pairs of sickle behind his back and nervously stances in a fighting manner.

I showed myself slowly. As I step forward, he backs out. It's as if he is showing fear towards me. I tried to elaborate on my true intentions, but he never trusted anything I said.

"L-liar!! You're one of t-them a-aren't you?!"

"N-noooo! That's not my intention! It's not what you think it is!"

"Go away! You will never befriend me anyway!!"

It was a long argument. I could barely remember every single word we said, but that's as far as I can remember. All I could remember is that our argument escalated and we have fought like we were enemies.

Your father was extremely weak at that time. If I wanted to, I could just easily stab him and impale him with my sword, but I'm not like that. His fighting technique had full openings, and it was a great disadvantage on his fighting style.

"Die! Die! DIEEEE!! GO AWAY!" your father shouted as he continuously slash his sickle onto me. "You're just gonna make fun of me sooner, right?! JUST GO AWAY AND MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!!"

He would recklessly slash his sickle on my torso. He yells and screams as he tries to slash me. It was a very predictable move I could easily deflect it with my shield and counter it. He tried aiming for my lower body, but his efforts in trying to make me fall were futile. His moves were predictable, even for Level Ones and Level Twos. His fighting skills were that of Level Two, but he was an agile one. He had potential, but he just relied on recklessness and never had any tactics.

He grew tired of trying to slash me over and over and over again, but he never gave up. I was wondering why. But the looks from his eyes were something different. It was something I have never seen before. Something that makes him unique from other students.

Escarion knew he would never defeat me and make me forfeit, but he never stopped slashing me. The determination burning from his eyes was scorching hot. He lacks strength and tactics, but the determination from his eyes was his saving grace.

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