Chapter 43 - Rescue Stunt

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That night...

Your mum and Kiri had left a few hours ago. You turn on the tv, hoping something entertaining was on. It instantly flashed to a breaking news. You take a sip of your water. You saw All Might standing in front of a man with a mangled looking face. It was so bad, he didn't have eyes.

Y/T: 'Who the hell is that?!'

You could also see a blonde haired boy standing down there with them. He was surrounded by the other villains.

Y/T: 'Holy crap! Bakugo!'

Suddenly a giant ramp of ice appeared out of nowhere. You see three other people run up it together. You needed to look closer, but you recognised them. Midoriya, Iida and... You spit out your water.

Y/N: "KIRI!!!... ow... my throat..."

Iida and Midoriya use their quirks to shoot them off the ramp and fly into the air. Kiri reached out his and yelled something to Bakugo. Bakugo then used his explosions to repel himself into the air and grabbed hold of Kiri's hand. The four of them flew out of sight. Anger shot through your body.

Y/N: "that idiot..."

You keep watching All Might battle the strange man with no eyes, but it was hard to pay attention.

The next morning...

You wake up early. You didn't get much sleep last night after watching that. You sit up, swing your legs over your bed so you're sitting up, facing the door. You scowl, cross your arms and wait. A couple hours later, Kiri walked in smiling. His expression changed however when he saw you scowling at him. You point to the chair in front of you.

Y/N: "sit..."

He frowns and does what you say.

Kiri: "Y/N, I can explain-"

Y/N: "hush! you don't get to talk!"

You voice was raised as loud as it could go without it hurting. Kiri sat in the chair, his eyes not looking at you. You ram your fist onto his head. It hurt a little, even though he didn't use his quirk.

Y/N: "you idiot! what were you thinking?! do you know how much you scared me last night?! i know bakugo is your friend, but that's not an excuse to risk your life like that!"

Kiri: "I-I didn't think you'd see..."

Y/N: "i was board last night so I turned on the tv only to see the breaking news! only to see my classmates, along with the guy i love, flying through the air over the entire league of villains..."

You're cut off when you start coughing. Kiri sits on your bed next to you and rubs your back.

Kiri: "Settle down, Y/N... you can't get worked up..."

Tears fill your eyes and fall down your face.

Y/N: "i was so scared... if you had gotten hurt... or worse... i-"

He lifts you up a little and sits you sideways on his lap.

Kiri: "I'm sorry I scared you... I don't know what else to say..."

You look into his eyes and pull on the collar of his shirt desperately.

Y/N: "promise me you'll never pull a stunt like that again! *cough cough*"

Kiri: "Okay... I promise..."

You sit in his lap as he hugged you, rubbed your back and hummed to you.

Y/T: 'Maybe I overreacted... But I really was that scared...'

Always with a Smile (Eijiro Kirishima x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now