Life Before We Met (1/?)

406 6 4

Requested by: @Moonlight-Vibo-Cat
Main character: Blaza
Ships: None
Au: Before we met au (BWM au) :>


Blaza groaned as he flopped down on the armchair tiredly, mumbling words that can't be heard. A figure heard him as he chuckled softly before sitting on the armchair beside the man who just groaned.

"By the looks on your face, guess your interview failed?" The figure asked, took a sip from his drink in a cup. "Shut up..." Blaza said in a low voice as he glared at the figure.

"And yes! It was a totally disaster!" Blaza suddenly answered aloud, making the figure flinched a bit.

"Little bro, it's ok. This is just the fifth time you failed to find a job" The figure tried to calm his little brother down but seems to be failing. "Thanks for your stupid encouragement..." Blaza mumbled as he rolled his eyes at him.

The figure and Blaza almost looks like identical twins apart from the height, eye colour and age. The figure is slightly taller than Blaza, has green eye colour while his little brother has dark brown eye colour and the figure is two years older than him.

(Let's call him Blaze for this story)

"What about you?! Did you even do anything while I was outside?" Blaza questioned as he looked up at him. "I went to the gym this morning and hang out with some of my friends at the basketball court and just came back earlier than you" Blaze answered him.

Blaza stayed silent for a while before questioning once again. "You didn't waste any money,right?"

"Wasted twenty dollars for lunch" He exclaimed, about to open the air conditioner but was stopped by his little brother.

"Twenty dollars?! We only have limited amount of money left after you got fired from your job and you're acting like you didn't care about it?!" Blaza yelled at his brother, like he's the older one in the house.

"Gosh- you're acting like mom again" Blaze exclaimed as he rolled his eyes. Blaza facepalmed as he was holding back the urge to 'kill' him from his comment.

A month ago, Blaze got fired from his job without telling his little brother why. At first, the siblings didn't really care about it until Blaza noticed that their money is running low and have no choice but to find a job due to his older brother still not caring about their money.

"I'm starting to regret that I moved in with him instead of staying at mom's and dad's house..." Blaza thought as he stared at his older brother with a look of concerned. His brother didn't act like this until he lost his job and it made Blaza really curious and concerned about what happened during that time. It's like the caring and responsible big brother had turned into a lazy and stupid brother.

"I need fresh air cause of your stupidness." Blaza sighed as he walked out of their apartment, leaving his big brother alone in there.


The room felt silent as Blaza left the apartment. Blaze sighed aloud as he thought about what his little brother yelled at him for. He couldn't lie that his brother is telling the truth that they're running low on money but the event after he had lost his job just hit him too hard.

"You lost your job!?" A girl with light blue hair and purple eyes shouted at him. "Y-Ya... but it's ok! I could find a new job..." Blaze said to his girlfriend, Sasha. She rolled her eyes at that and glared at him. "Ha! Like I'm gonna have a poor life with you for the rest of my life! I'm not wasting my time with you!" Sasha exclaimed angrily. "Since you lost your job, then we're over!" She continued as she turned away from him and left the shock boy with tears in his eyes alone in the middle of the streets.

He couldn't tell Blaza about that but luckily his little brother didn't even notice that both of them had lost contact with each other and Blaze guess that it is because he's just focusing on surviving in the meantime.

Blaze sighed aloud again as he closed his eyes and darkness took over him.


Blaza walked through the door of a grocery store as the cashier greeted him with a smile but he barely noticed it. He walked towards the left where all of the foods in the store were placed. He looked at all the foods and the prices and noticed almost all the food prices had increased.

Blaza groaned quietly as he noticed that he didn't brought enough money to buy any food. He looked at the biscuits on the shelves as he could felt his stomach calling out for food.

Suddenly, a stupid idea crossed his mind.

Blaza bit his lips as he looked left and right, seeing nobody near him at the moment. He hesitated for a while before grabbing one of the smallest biscuit boxes and putting it in his pocket.

Before Blaza could walked away with the biscuit box in his pocket, a strong force from his hand pulled him back as he turned around slowly and was face to face with a teenager who looked like the same age with him. He gulped as he noticed the teenager was eyeing his pocket suspiciously.

"Stealing isn't good,you know that right?" The teenager spoke up which only made Blaza bit his lips nervously. The teenager had short brown hair, has dark brown eyes that are similar to his and was wearing a orange shirt with a spaceship image on it, blue jeans and a bright orange cap.

"You're coming with me" the teenager said after a long silent as he pulled Blaza with him to the cashier. Blaza could felt his heart was beating really fast at the thoughts of the teenager was going to call him out for stealing and maybe put him in jail or maybe even worse.

As they reached where the cashier was located, the teenager put a chocolate bar that he was holding on the whole time on the cashier table and grabbed the biscuit box out of Blaza's pocket before he could react, putting it on the table too.

Blaza gulped as he closed his eyes, ready for the teenager to call him out for stealing in front of the cashier.

But it never happen...

"How much is it for both of these?" The teenager questioned the cashier as he took out his wallet. The cashier said the price for both of the items as the teenager paid for it with Blaza in shock beside him.

"Thank you" the teenager exclaimed as he grabbed both of the items on the table and dragged the 'still-in-shock-Blaza' out of the grocery store.

Outside of the grocery store, the teenager gave him the biscuit box as he unwrapped the chocolate bar's wrapper and took a bite of it. "Now mind telling me why are you stealing?" He asked.

"I-I..." Blaza mumbled for a while before explaining that he couldn't find a job and had no choice but to steal food. "And thanks for umm paying for this" Blaza said as he gestured towards the biscuit box.

The teenager was quiet for a moment before asking. "Do you play before any computer games such as Minecraft?"

Blaza nodded in response. "Ya, I did. I played it before with my older brother but he was really bad at playing it"

The teenager smiled as he looked at him. "My name is Socksfor1, mostly go by Socks. Have you ever heard of a YouTuber?"


Done !!!

Disclaimer: This isn't what actually happen, it's an au so it's just a fan made story! Stealing is bad so don't do it.

The ending part was kinda rush-
Well- hope you all enjoy!!!

Words Count: 1322

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