Sometimes Love Changes

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Requested by: @12Greenmoon34
Main characters: Socks, Meme and Tbh
Ships: Memesfor1 (Socks x Meme), TBgod/Memehonest (Tbh x Meme), Laffhonest (Laff x Tbh)
Au: High School au/ Cheater au?


Tbh waved goodbye at his boyfriend, Meme as he watched him walking away from his sight. His smile dropped slowly when his boyfriend was away from his sight. He sighed in defeat as he thought about his feelings for Meme again.

He was in love with Meme a few months ago and he was really delighted when his blue friend accepted his confession about being his boyfriend. But ever since he got more closer to a current gas man, his usual love feelings for Meme changed. He tried to ignore those butterflies feelings when the British man was nearby but the new feelings was too complicated to ignore.

"Am I falling out of love?"

That question was swimming in his mind for weeks and Tbh can't find a proper answer to it. He had been thinking about talking to someone to try fix this stupid and weird love feelings but other than Laff, he can't think of anyone else that won't scream at his face when talking to them.

Tbh punched his locker in furious with the mess up feelings as all the attention in the locker room were all on him which was go unnoticed by him. After a moment of silent in the atmosphere for him to calm down, a tap on his shoulder snapped him out of his thoughts. He turned his head around and was face to face with the one person that he didn't really want to but at the same time want to meet...

"H-Hey...L-Laff...." He shuttered, blushing.


Socks glanced at Meme who was walking beside him towards the library for a group project. Ever since he and Tbh started dating, he always got a feeling of jealousy inside of him yet he can't do anything to stop them... It got pretty annoying when both of them were talking about their loves life for everyone.

Especially when one of them is his crush...

Seeing his crush happy with someone else was hurting him yet he was happy for him. He sighed in hurt and sad as he knew it was already too late for him to confess his feelings to him. If he could just go back in time and...

"Socks?" Meme's voice snapped him out of his thoughts as he turned his head towards his crush.

"Are you okay? I heard you sighing a minute ago" He questioned in worry, looking at him. He rubbed the back of his head nervously in response. "Ya... I'm fine... Just have some stuffs in my head" He replied, putting on a nervous slime. "Want to talk about it?" Meme asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Not really" Socks responded, shook his head in response. Meme frowned at the response but still managed to put on a smile. "Ok then. If you want to talk about it in the right time, you could always talk to your best friend" He exclaimed in a proud tone. The orange spaceman chuckled in response even though the word 'friend' was quite sad to hear.

"Same to you" Socks exclaimed, smiling at him.

"Actually... I do have something I want to talk about" Meme said in sadness, rubbing the back of his head nervously. Socks raised an eyebrow at him, silently asking him the question.

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