Cuddling With You (Meme x Blaza)

303 7 16

Requested by: @12Greenmoon34
Main characters: Meme and Blaza
Ships: Blazagod/ Memeplayz (Blaza x Meme)
Au: Among-us au


Meme yawned tiredly as he stared at the papers that were all shattered on his desk blankly. Seeing those tiny small black words just make him felt even more dizzier than before. But he couldn't sleep-! He can't do that right now! He got work to do and adding up the fact that an idiot broke the scanner... yap- that's a lot of work to do and he isn't gonna delay it.

His crewmates/friends even the captain of the ship had been trying to advise him to take some rest from all of those work stress but all of that got rejected or ignored by the doctor.

His 'not-official-boyfriend' also tried to comfort him to stop overworking himself. Although it's hurts for Meme to see his lover worry about himself like the others, the doctor still pushed all of his comforts away and continued to do his medic job in medbay.

The others whom have tasks (that are unlimited) to do and seeing that their advises weren't working, they have gave up on advising him and decided that to wait for another time to do that job.

Blaza didn't decided to just give up on his lover's health like that due to his lover stubbornness. Since comforts and advises won't worked on Meme, then why not use another way to do the job? The yellow crewmate just have to wait until night time for it.

'I hope this works or else I'm gonna knock him out with my banana-!' Blaza thought.


Meme continued to fix the scanner in medbay in the middle of the night. He had to fix it before sunrise... well they can't exactly see the sun.... before the others woke up so they could do their 'medbay scan' task in the next morning.

With the flashlight as the only light source (since all the electricity were all automatically turn off in the night), it was kinda hard to see the wires and adding up the fact that his headache wasn't helping at all... Meme knew this is gonna be another long night.

Out of the blue, Meme heard the sound of the medbay door opening as he turned to see Blaza, holding a flashlight and wearing his yellow pyjamas. He raised an eyebrow at him even though his lover couldn't really see it in the dark.

"I thought you went to bed already?" Meme stated, more like a question than a statement.

"I did but the feeling of you not in bed makes my heart fall apart and I need someone to repair it~" Blaza explained, saying one of his cheesy pick up lines that he used before on Meme.

Meme sighed and blushed at that comment. "Blaza Bee, I love you but whatever you're doing right now is not gonna work..." He stated, turning away from his lover and continued to fix the scanner.

(Me: I know that 'Blaza Bee' is a nickname that Socks used but I can't think of anything else-)

"So? Everyone is worry about you, Meme! You've been staying in this room for 24 hours everyday!" Blaza snapped at his lover as Meme froze at the tone of his voice. He stopped his action as he turned to his lover who somehow was already in front of him.

"Well... I'm just fixing the scanner for everyone..." Meme defended himself, saying it in a low volume but it was loud enough for Blaza to hear.

"Then what will you do after that?" Blaza asked.

Meme didn't answered immediately as he stared at Blaza's eyes blankly. His heart dropped when he saw the sadness in his eyes. He still had work to do after fixing the scanner but he didn't want to lie to Blaza again when he was serious. So, how is he supposed to answer that?

Seeing Meme was lost in his thoughts, Blaza took the chance to grab his lover's hand. Meme yelped in shock when he snapped out of his thoughts. Blaza ignoring his lover's protests, carrying him with the princess hug pose as Meme blushed at the sudden close contact, looking at his lover's brown eyes.

"B-Blaza-! You put me down right this intense!" Meme shuttered and blushed as he tried to let Blaza to put him down. Both of them have the same strength but since the doctor had been overworking for the past few weeks, his body became weaker as his struggles were a waste of time for Blaza.

"Come on, Meme! I know you love it~" Blaza flirted as his lover blushed in response as he expected.

Seeing Meme was distracted again , Blaza quickly sprinted his way towards the whole crew's share rooms. He had to admit that the doctor had became more lighter than before so he took him two minutes to make it to the share rooms

Blaza gently placed the doctor on his yellow bed. It is small but it was big enough for the both of them. Meme snapped out of his thoughts when he felt the contact with the soft bed. He immediately yawned tiredly as Blaza went for the other side of the bed.

"Blaza... this is not my bed..." Meme stated tiredly as he yawned another time. He rubbed his eyes tiredly as Blaza chuckled at the sight of that.

"I know that. But like I told you before, I need someone to repair my broken heart." Blaza stated in his usual flirt tone as the doctor only stared at him tiredly in response.

Blaza slowly wrapped his arms and legs over Meme's ones as both of them were now on the bed. Meme tried to pull away from the sudden hug but slowly gave in when the tiredness kick in as he yawned.

Hearing his lover's heartbeat as his head was close to his chest, Meme slowly fall asleep in his lover's arms. Blaza smiled at the sight of it as he played with the doctor's black hair for a moment before falling into his sweet dream with his lover in his arms. Both of their cheeks were red as the whole crew in the ship had a goodnight sleep.


"..." Tbh and the others didn't said anything when they saw the scene in front of them.

"Both of you are too young for this" Laff stated as he covered both of the 15 year old kids's eyes. Nadwe struggled to take his hand away while Muffin wasn't really bothered about it.

"I'm gonna wake them up" Socks said, holding a water bucket that he got it from the cafeteria.





Done !!!

Uh- honestly, I don't really know how to write cuddles scenes so that part isn't really that long but I tried my best....

It's not smut by the way-!

I enjoyed writing those pick up lines- (even though I'm not good at it...)

A bit rush... (again since it's night time here)

Hope you all enjoy!!!

Words Count: 1196

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