Breaking Point (Angst)

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Requested by: -
Main characters: Socks and Meme
Ships: None
Au: Socksmp au/ Dead au/ Game au
Warning ⚠️: Death, gore and a bit dark
A/N: Inspired by Roblox 'Breaking Point' game


"Welcome to the 'Breaking Point' game."

Socks groaned in pain and annoyed as he opened his eyes tiredly. It was the day after the wedding disaster and himself got saved by a few of his friends from the gulag in the middle of the night. In conclusion, yesterday didn't went according to his plan at all.

After he managed to adjust his vision from the light, Socks lifted his head tiredly from the table and-

Wait- table...?! Didn't he went to bed last night?

Socks immediately became alerted as he scanned his surroundings and confirmed it's looks nothing like the military base he was at yesterday night.

Socks realised he was sitting on a chair too. A large wooden oval table right in front of him and surrounding it were all of his friends who were still waking up slowly. Behind them was literally all black like a dark void and the only light source in the room was the light bulb hanging in the middle of the table.

There were also a few flies around the light bulb.

After a few minutes, Socks watched all of his friends woke up and faces turning into horror at their new surroundings. The weird part was that nobody was talking at all, like everyone was technically muted.

Socks saw Meme who was sitting opposite from him, opened his mouth to speak first but no sound came out at all. The orange spaceman tried to stand up from the chair but it was like he was glued to it.

"Gamemode selected: 'Who Did It?"

The sudden robotic voice startled all of them.

"Among all of you lies a murderer." 

Socks blinked in shock. Gamemode? Murderer? Are they playing a murder game against their own will?! From all of his friends's face expressions, he could tell that they were all thinking the same thing.

"The murderer has 10 seconds to kill a player."

Socks's vision immediately turned black like the background just now. He literally couldn't see anything at all in the darkness. He waited anxiously as he watched the countdown going down slowly. 

Socks was scared, sure he knew that his friends wouldn't pull the trigger on any of them but after what happened yesterday, he can't promise anything at all. What if Meme is the murderer and shot him?!

"The murderer has 3 seconds to kill a player."

"The gun didn't go off."

The last sentence shocked Socks as the light turned back on as all of his friends were all in their chairs alive. He sighed in relief at that part but soon turned into horror at what he saw just now.

The gun didn't go off? Does that mean the murderer actually pull the trigger on one of them? What if he was pointing at him?! Everyone was blaming on him yesterday so this thought was replaying on his mind.

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