Alan, gracefully, and ever so slowly floated to the bottom, and Ecaura followed him, then the ground closed on them

"Do you recognise the place?

-I do, it's one of the two rooms where we used to give existence to new Quantum shifters, but why are we here?

-turn yourself into ash and travel through the tunnel to the second room, you'll know why by then"

Ecaura suddenly realised what was happening, she muttered "no.. this can't work.. or can it? I don't know.. I never.. saw anyone like you.. could this work.. will it?

-let us try, we got nothing to lose, we'll find out how it goes, worst case scenario is that nothing happens, come on"

Ecaura took a second to process what was happening, then she turned into a gas and swam through air until she reached the second chamber.

After a small pause, she asked in her head "are you ready, Alan?"

To which he telepathically replied, "I am"

Alan was in the peak of his spirituality, he felt it, he felt his subconsciousness and spirit connected like never before, which is why he was able to perform the second move, Lathinsé.

Because of how much energy both were generating, air started moving around them, Alan was taking long deep breaths and focusing, and so was Ecaura,

In one synchronised motion, an energy boulder generated in between their hands, and they both fired it off into the tunnel, it was so strong that it violently pushed Alan against the wall.

The two boulders met in the middle sphere, and merged together occupying the whole sphere, Alan and Ecaura kept generating that energy until a big explosion happened, and knocked both of them out,

a new Quantum shifter just came to existence.

The ground opened, and ejected the three creatures out, then closed again, the only conscious one was the new Quantum shifter, Alan had a bloody face, and Ecaura was on the ground.

The new shifter was extremely confused, they scouted the place, then slowly moved toward Ecaura, and leaned in besides her, as soon as they touched her, light came out of the whole creature, it stayed lit like that for a while, and as soon as the light disappeared, they took their hands away from Ecaura, and Ecaura woke up, what just happened was Quantum memory, another phenomenon Ecaura discarded while talking to Alan because she found no reason to mention.

Since Quantum shifters are born the same age, and they do not change, there is no time for them to progressively learn certain things, like their identity, and their surroundings, so whenever a new shifter exists, the first time they touch an old one gives them that shifter's memory, and they instantaneously become aware of the area they're in, Quantum memory only passes memories of physical existence, it does not pass knowledge, or power. The only energy it passes is from the new shifter to the old one, just some, enough for them to wake up.

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