the wrath of fifteen lifetimes

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I am Alan, I came here to learn about shifting and help you acquire liberty, your stuck up entitled King is planning on reducing your sleeping time to three hours a day so you could fix and rebuild what the Tsunami has damaged, if you chose to trust me, I could put all of you to sleep for one hundred days, all of your vital needs like food and water will be stopped in that deep coma, and you'll wake up perfectly healthy, thought a bit dizzy at first. Please, allow me to sedate you before they get you first. I know it's hard to trust a new person especially with your lives, but I believe trusting your 'beloved' king would be no thrill either"

It didn't take much for the Meskyors to co-operate, the worst has already happened to them, death is nothing, and most of them have been wanting it for a long time already, if Alan wasn't truthful, he'd still fulfill their wish.

Alan used ten Guenara rocks that he got from Pha, they were new, he floated in the air in the middle of the crowd with the rocks surrounding him, then he whispered "one hundred", and small white particles came out of him and flew to the Meskyors, putting them immediately to sleep.

By the time the royal guards arrived with the royal family, they found everyone asleep, and no matter how viciously they shook them, nobody has gotten up

"Guards, arrest Alan" said Glen angrily. The spreader royal guards spread the shifting to the non-shifter guards, and Alan ended the battle before it had the chance to begin, with one powerful Tribakwiyan hex.

"They replaced their search for knowledge

With the reach of many material gains

this whole empathy shortage

Is aching my chore and my brain

but, no use in having a conversation

With someone who lacks observation"

Alan's core started pulsating at its zenith , so hard that the pulses created shock waves, they started from Alan and spread out, anyone who came in contact with these continuously generated waves experienced agony and intense pain, and the guards were quickly defeated, squirming on the ground, the royal family was far enough that they got hurt but not knocked out. Performing TEIR and the hex exhausted Alan, and he fell to the ground, Geija came out to end him, she broke a rock to lots of pieces and shaped them like daggers, then fired them off. Pha stopped the rocks by creating a water barrier that once the rocks touched, got immediately turned into ice and stopped them. He then rotatedthe ice around and launched it at Geija, a few seconds before it hit her he broke it, so that her own creation can get her, and it did. Geija's surprise of the shifting she just witnessed outweighed the pain she felt, she turned to Pha in disbelief.

"Guess what, sister? All of those years you've belittle me, I've been a shifter of both water and fire, I've kept it hidden, but not anymore, because you and father won't be here for much longer anymore"

The build-up wrath inside of Pha exploded, he's been waiting to reveal himself for a very long time, his eyes turned red and he blew fire from his mouth burning the royal carriage to ash

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