healthy bodies, sick souls

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-please don't be mad, I was just trying to show you I have something you guys don't, Tribakwiyan sorcery, its possibilities are endless, I want to help your cousin, as if you have any better option, he's going to die anyway, whether it's later or if I accidentally do something to him, which I guarantee will not be happening, I'm going to unfreeze you and please don't hurt me"

Pnomal gained back control over his body, he breathed heavily, looked at Alan like he was about to launch a vengeful punch at him, took a deep breath then whispered "fine, whatever, I'll go with you, and my words still stand, one mistake, and I'll make sure you'll break the record as the person that died the fastest upon arriving to the hospice"

Upon arrival, Alan saw some Artelys with colored stains on their bodies, some had parts of them ripped like fibers, some had parts completely chopped off.

"The hospice has a hundred "care rooms" where each patient gets monitored regularly and is assisted when needed, thirty "around the clock care rooms" where at least one hospice worker is always present within the room, providing constant care and attention for the patient, fifteen "critical care rooms" where a full team is caring for the patient, ten "rejuvenation areas" where we try to grow back lost or damaged body parts of an Artely, and five "life support rooms" where the Artely's body has completely shut but their Telydust generator, no Artely in history has ever made it back to life beyond that point, even when the generator keeps working it eventually shuts off too

-in what room is your cousin?

-critical care

-I'm..sorry to hear that"

Suddenly a hospice worker loomed in front of Pnomal "oh Pnomal what a timing, Ivergloom has just been transported to a life support room, we wanted to inform you as soon as possible and thankfully you're here"

Pnomal pushed the worked aside and swiftly flew towards the chamber, Alan and the worker followed behind, and Alan had the time to ask some questions before arriving,

"So how do you guys help the patient once they've reached that stage

-we keep injecting Heilar potions into them


9- Heilar: Toslup seeds

Heilar could be used to save an Artely's Telydust generator, or strengthen an already healthy one.


along with other organ function enhancing potions and hope for a recovery, unfortunately we've never had a patient recover, if they've reached that stage they're pretty much gone.

-it is a bit foolish to attempt to enhance something that is dead, it's like feeding a dead body, I don't think organ function enhancing potions do anything.

-then what do you suggest?

-may I?

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