potion history

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they cannot grow two next to each other, if one is out another one can only grow at least fifty meters away, they also only live a week, and on a random time that week, they gush blood out of their tips that if touched by a living thing disappears, it also disappears after three minutes of a living creature seeing it, or when it drops to the ground. We need to have someone sit by a plant from the second it sprouts, to capture the blood with special leaves, once cultivated the blood would not disappear anymore. 

You were going to crush it.

-why is it so complicated? What is the plant used for?

-it's used for four potions, Wherecore, Xancore, Yincore and Zancore.

Whercore: Qyn daggers

Whercore potions make an Artely able to know when a Gwaxy or Guen is in the proximity, and their exact location too.

Xancore: Qyn dagger bases

Xancore potions highlight anyone thinking about or looking at you, the effect lasts a whole day.

Yincore: Qyn dagger tops

Yincore potions makes the drinker able to smell 2 smells on people, Yourami and Hannea, you smell Yourami if the person is more good than evil, Hannea if the opposite, if the person is neutral you will smell one smell out of each nostril

Zancore: Qyn dagger blood

Zancore, one of the most complicated to cultivate, brew, and use, Zancore is at the top of the rarest and most sensitive potions of the whole AZ planet.

If brewed at day, a Zancore potion will make you able to hear the thoughts of one person.

If at night, it will give you the ability to talk to them telepathically without them knowing who you are, you could mind manipulate them, or trip them out.

If brewed in a bloody moon, it will make you able to control their body.

If brewed during a full moon, it gives you fifty hours of sleep you can give, for example you can make one person fall asleep for fifty hours, or fifty people asleep for one hour each

If brewed directly under the moonlight, it grants you a Guengriv effect, where you can make someone see, feel, smell or taste something that's not there.

-....wow, these potions are omnipotent, especially the last one

-we only have a few Zancore potions, every type is very specific as you now know

-I never thought brewery could be this complicated

-oh you should see the Xwyz potion, we only have one in stock, and it's the rarest on all of AZ, arguably the universe, Zancore is nothing compared to it, literally nothing.

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