// 003 //

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ONLY when the summer sun made his bedroom grow scorching hot, Obito Uchiha finally stirred awake

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ONLY when the summer sun made his bedroom grow scorching hot, Obito Uchiha finally stirred awake. He had slept in late - just as he had planned, and it felt so very good to do so for once. The first fifteen minutes he spent by tiredly rubbing his sleep-filled eyes and scrolling through his phone. After that was taken care of, he pushed himself up to his feet.

Obito stretched with a yawn, feeling the warm traces of slumber leave his body through the tips of his fingers and toes. He brushed his teeth first, then splashed some ice-cold water on his face to cool down. Looking at himself in the mirror, he was happy to see that the dark circles underneath his eyes were finally gone. He had slept like a baby, after all.

He had a hefty breakfast - bacon and eggs; always sunny-side up!, along with a tall glass of orange juice. After loading the dishwasher, he got dressed into a pair of comfortably loose shorts and a white t-shirt. His hair was a mess, so he hid it underneath a baseball cap. Taking his wallet, phone and keys with him, he was out the door by nine.

Unable to resist; he threw a quick glance towards the door of his new next door neighbour.

But we won't mention that.

Regardless of the hot sun, Obito went out for a run. It was a nice morning despite the blazing heat, and he spent it by doing things for himself. He had eaten a lot, after all. After around forty-five minutes of burning up the spare calories, his stomach felt much better. 

A little past ten; he was back at his apartment complex. He had jumped to the little convenience store again to stock up on some fresh fruit. With an apple in hand, and a grocery bag in the other, he pushed the door to the lobby open with his hip. His teeth had just taken a huge chunk out of the sweet red apple, when he looked up again. The damn thing almost lodged itself into his throat by the time he set foot inside the lobby.

It was her. Standing in nothing more but a pair of pyjama shorts and a tank top, she was checking the mailbox appointed to her apartment. Obito could not resist eyeing up her smooth legs as he chewed the backstabbing fruit. It was like she knew that he was watching her; because when she stepped onto the tips of her toes in her little flip-flops, her shirt raised just enough that he could see the thin sliver of bare skin underneath.

"Careful. If you don't stop staring, your eyes might just fall out of your big-ass head.", she sighed, giving him an eye roll. His brows instantly knit tightly together.

// She just had to ruin it, eh? //

"I wasn't. Damn she-devil...", he muttered the last part to himself as he walked over.

"Wow, how original. Totally haven't heard that one before...", she spoke with fluent sarcasm, sorting through her mail without looking up at him. He could see the newly-placed sticker on her mailbox now. Her surname was written on it - bold and clear for everyone to see. And it was rather familiar to Obito.

"Senju?", he spoke - the sudden surprise to come to his voice rather evident, "Like the OEM Senju?"

"Yeah, what's it to you?", she was fast to respond, looking up at him with tightly knit brows. 

He was a big man; with broad shoulders, a sharp jawline, and strong arms which were covered with tattoos that she got a chance of glimpsing last night. She could see sweat glisten on his cheek and the bridge of his nose now. It was sharp and a little upturned at the tip - giving him that slightly boyish look. He tapped the little sticker on her mailbox before turning towards her.

His eyes were so dark when he looked at her; she had never seen such a peculiar shade of black before. Now, he took another bite of the apple he was holding, and she could not help herself as she let her gaze linger on his soft lips for a moment too long when they pressed to the fruit. She caught the flash of his pink tongue, and it made her face grow hot.

He kept staring at her now; like he knew exactly what she was thinking about, despite the puzzled expression to linger on his face.

Obito Uchiha was a good-looking man - a man she'd fall to her knees for, even. She didn't like it one bit.

"I order car parts from you.", he said quietly, swallowing hard before explaining further, "I'm a car-mechanic... I've got a repair shop downtown."

"No.", she said, pushing away the improper thoughts which were so sudden to enter her head, "You order them from my dad. I've got nothing to do with you car-obsessed bozos."

// Here we go again... //

"Well, yeah.", Obito was fast to bite into her little jab with a clenched jaw, "Have you seen your ride? You're one step away from attending clown college." 

"Wow, you're so funny! I bet your shitty humour really makes the chicks go crazy.", she scoffed, shaking her head lightly at him. What a menace.

"I don't know, you tell me. You seem crazy enough.", he spoke before sinking his teeth into the apple again. He looked at her, waiting for a reaction. When he lazily rested his shoulder against the wall, it sparked a nerve. She stared up at him in pure disbelief. Forget a menace. No, no. What an asshole! Just her type.

"Kindly, get out of my face before I punch that stupid apple right through your teeth."

"Mm.", he mused quietly, "You can try."

She did.

And even though Obito was surprised, his Sharingan had activated just in time for him to catch her fist into the palm of his hand. Before she could even pull it back, his fingers curled around it.

"Holy shit, you legit are insane! You actually wanted to hit me!", he exclaimed whilst his red eyes searched her face frantically. He was still holding her hand.

"You told me to try it! Who would I be if I declined an open invitation of punching an idiot such as yourself in the face?", she fought against his hold, "Now let me go, you stupid big oaf!"

"Oh, I don't know... A decent human being, maybe?!", Obito spoke before he finally let go of her hand. When she stumbled on her feet slightly to gain her balance back, he chuckled lowly. She was fast to mock his laughter as she slammed the mailbox shut with a loud bang! 

Turning away from him without another word, she rushed up the stairs. Obito was even faster to follow after her. When he reached her, he suddenly brushed past her with a boyish snicker and ran up the stairs. When he turned around, she saw him stick his tongue out at her.

Why you little...

Seeing it as a challenge, she picked up her speed to reach him. They both knew they were acting like children now; pushing and shoving at each other on the narrow staircase to reach their separate doors first, but did it matter?

"Stop shoving me!"

"You stop it!"

She almost tripped him just to get in the lead. As soon as they reached the top of the stairs, he pushed past her again and left her eating his dust as he ran down the hallway. His laughter mixed with her cussing.

Obito was the first to reach the door of his apartment. A second later, she was right next to him. He glanced at the sour expression on her face now, the obvious frown on her plump lips even more upsetting than the venomous glare.

"Loser.", Obito chuckled, trying to catch his breath.

"Fuck you, you stupid Uchiha.", she hissed before the door slammed shut behind her.

Nice talk!

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