// 002 //

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Quick note: the song is called Masquerade by Siouxxie.

AN hour later, Obito sat on the couch inside his little living room freshly showered and feeling absolutely content

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AN hour later, Obito sat on the couch inside his little living room freshly showered and feeling absolutely content. The TV show he was watching had just gotten to the good part - as most do with their last couple of episodes. Even though his favourite character had just been killed off, he still kept his eyes glued to the screen. By now, Obito was too invested into the whole crime and thrill of the plot to let go of it just because Howie had died. 

// Tough luck, buddy. You sure were a golden one, Howie Gold! //

The little bit of leftovers of the takeout pad thai he had ordered were now left forgotten on the coffee table in front of him. Without ever looking away from the screen, Obito occupied himself by cracking open a second can of Guinness. As soon as it hissed open, he was fast to slurp up the rising foam to not spill any of it. The beer tasted cool and bitter when he brought it up to his lips; just the way he liked it.

God, this was the life. A full stomach, no worries, the bills paid... What else could he ask for?

Peace and quiet. He could ask for peace and quiet.

The sudden blast of sound resonating next door nearly made Obito jump out of his skin then and there. It was dreadful to the Uchiha; the new girl's taste in music that now blasted from her apartment right through his kitchen wall - that is, if he could even call that garbage taste

Gripping the remote with such force that his knuckles had turned stark white, Obito frowned with a sigh. He kept pressing the volume button until it reached its maximum, and even then he still could not hear the show he was watching properly. He waited for five minutes, then a ten more. By the time he counted twenty, the music still continued to boom through the walls.

// God damn it... That's it. //

Pushing himself from the couch, he headed for the door. In his fit of rage, the Uchiha nearly flung it open before he took those few steps separating him from his 'friendly' new neighbour. With three hurried knocks he made sure were more of a bang! against the door, he waited for her to answer. When she opened it for him a second later, the loud volume nearly pushed him against the wall. Obito cringed in front of her now - visibly. 

"What the fuck are you listening to?!", he asked with his brows furrowed tightly in irritation.

"Masquerade, you senile old man.", she responded calmly as if he should know what the fuck it was. He could see the corners of her lips twitch. She was trying so hard not to laugh. At him. Because he was annoyed with firstly; her choice of music which he had never heard of before - thankfully, and secondly; its overwhelming headache-inducing volume.

"Well, it's just fucking noise to me. And I'm twenty-five, you rude ass bit-... Never mind. Can you turn it down, please?", he held himself back, shaking his head.

// Deep breaths, Obito. //

"Sure, ugly.", she smiled up at him, nodding.

"Okay, thank... You. Why you little...", he started, and at the realisation of what she had just called him, his eyes suddenly flashed bright scarlet. She winced, just a little bit when his Sharingan had activated - and Obito caught it. However, his rude-ass neighbour held her ground, and he could see her chin lift stubbornly up at him. He wasn't surprised.

"What? Bitch? Is that what you wanted to call me, you Volturi wannabe? Twice, might I add?", she sighed, giving him that obvious bratty eye roll. By this point he wanted to grab her by the throat and slam her right against the wall. His palm itched from how badly he wanted to do it. Just to teach her annoying ass a lesson.

"I'm sorry. Out of line, I agree.", he said, pinching the bridge of his nose in exasperation, "Can you please turn it down? I'm trying to watch my damn show."

"What show are you watching?", she asked all of a sudden, and it was the first time she sounded pleasant ever since he had met her two hours ago.

"The Outsider.", Obito spoke tiredly, trying to blink away the crimson from his eyes. He didn't have a clue who or what the Volturi were, nor did he feel the need to ask.

"Oh, I know that one! I've watched it a few months ago.", she grinned, and the smile she gave him made his eyes linger on her plush mouth just for a second too long, "Who's your favourite character?"

"Howie. He just died, though. Who's yours?"

"Ah, makes sense. Mine's Ralph."

// The bitter cop. Figures. //

"Eh, he's overrated if you ask me.", Obito shrugged, and the rise and fall of his shoulders was light as he glanced at her. She shook her head lightly at his words, her gaze falling to the ground. Obito watched her arms cross over her chest before she looked up at him again, the small chuckle slipping past her rosy lips.

// Maybe she's not as bad as I thought... //

He continued to look at her, studying her face. This girl was so damn pretty; just his type - if it weren't for the big-ass mouth. Her tongue was venomous, her thoughts witty and fast to sink their teeth into his pride. He had never met a vixen as cunning as her in the whole twenty-five years he had spent on this very Earth. In the mere span of two hours, she had already called him insecure, an orphan, by the wrong name - multiple times!, a senile old man, and ugly. Obito didn't even wish to think of what she would come up with next in the following months she'd be living next door to him.

"I'll turn the music down.", she said finally, giving him a small nod.

"Thank you.", Obito sighed before turning to walk back to his apartment. He turned around to glance at her one more time, raising his hand to give her a small wave, and just as he was about to walk into his home;

"Wait, one more thing!", she called out after him. She had turned the terrible noise she called music down by now, so he could hear her loud and clear. Thank the holy heavens above!

"Mm?", he peeked around the corner of his door frame.

"Next time when you decide to knock on my door, at least wear a shirt... Yeah?", she spoke, and he caught the quick glance she gave to his naked torso before she looked into his eyes again. As soon as he caught on, the realisation made his face burn bright red in an instant. In the whole fury he felt, he had forgotten to put on a shirt. He had literally spent the last five minutes arguing with her in nothing but a pair of sweatpants.

"Oh. Y-Yeah, I'll keep that in mind. Of course, yeah.", he stammered, clearing his throat awkwardly as he scratched the back of his head. He could not hide the obvious blush of scarlet to deepen on his face now. The snort she gave only made him know that she had noticed how embarrassed he was.

"Also,", she grinned, wrapping her hand around the door handle loosely, "Let me know how overrated you think Ralph is when you watch him shoot the shapeshifter killer's brains out in the end, will you?"


All Obito could do was stare with bright red eyes at the middle finger she flashed him before the door shut closed behind her with a quiet click! She had just spoiled the whole ending for him. Great. Fucking fantastic!

"God damn it, fuck you!"

He could hear her laughter from the other side of the wall when he slammed the door shut.

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