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CLOSED! read the sign on the door of Obito Uchiha's repair shop that hot August day

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CLOSED! read the sign on the door of Obito Uchiha's repair shop that hot August day. After she had literally scared the living crap out of his ex-girlfriend, the Senju had decided to spend the afternoon hanging out at his workplace. He didn't understand why she would rather stay with him than do something else, however he certainly wasn't going to question it. As he worked, laying on the creeper underneath the car, she had proved to be quite the helper; handing him the tools he needed, and providing some 'much-needed' commentary.

"Which one is that? The pointy one?"

"Yeah, the pointy one. Hah."

"Don't laugh at me if I don't know what the damn thing is called! I have a life, unlike you."

"Sure you do. That's why you're here with me, right?"

The radio he always had on whilst he worked mixed with her laughter, and Obito grinned at the gentle sound. She couldn't see him anyway, so if he allowed his face to show that he was absolutely smitten with this girl just this once - surely wasn't so bad, right? The fact that he had to hide his smile underneath a car made him question his life choices, though.

"How much longer is this going to take?", she asked him.

"I don't know. The damn thing is fucking with me...", he sighed, "Why? Are you getting bored?"

"Mm, no.", she hummed, and in the next moment he could feel her fingers wrap around his ankle. She tugged lightly. 

Obito understood what she wanted. He hooked his fingers to the bottom of the vehicle before expertly pushing himself downward, and in a moment; he was out from underneath the car. Still laying on the creeper, he looked up at her as she leaned over him. The sundown had cast a soft orange glow over her pretty face. They had stayed in the shop for much longer than he had expected. It was nearly evening.

"Yes?", he asked, blinking away the sudden brightness. A small exhale left his soft lips as he wiped the thin layer of sweat to form on his forehead.

"You should take a break.", she said, smiling down at him faintly, "Judging from what I've seen today, I think you tend to overwork yourself." 

It was true. Obito loved cars - loved working with them even more. It was the dream job he had wanted ever since he was a kid, and the Uchiha was lucky enough to be able to succeed in it - as most weren't able to say the same. Ever since he opened his own repair shop and became a boss of his own damn self; he worked even harder. He poured his sweat, blood and tears into his work. It showed.

"I do, don't I?", he said tiredly, lifting his arm as she stood up, "Come on, help me up."

She took his hand without hesitation. He was surprised that she did not mind the fact that it was dirty from car grease when he had tended to the engine earlier. Her fingers linked with his own as she pulled him up to his feet, and in a moment he was towering over her. He stared down at her now, dark eyes carefully searching her pretty face.

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