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BY the time August had rolled around, Obito was nowhere closer to befriending the girl next door

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BY the time August had rolled around, Obito was nowhere closer to befriending the girl next door. What they did do, however - was bicker when given the chance; she blasted the noise she called music until the walls of his apartment shook every other day, and he in return cursed her entire bloodline right down to her ancestors through the very same walls because of it. Instead of friendship, the Uchiha had gained a proper warzone, it seemed. 

On one particular night, she - oddly enough - gave him some peace and quiet. Obito; who had just come home from the gym, was looking forward to a shower and a lazy evening spent on the couch. The storm which was currently howling and raging outside had soaked him right to the bone in the short few seconds he had spent running from his car towards the building.

Standing in the middle of his kitchen looking absolutely defeated and dripping wet, the Uchiha searched the cupboards and refrigerator for some food. After the workout he had just finished, Obito was practically starving by this point. And of course of all the days the Universe could have chosen to fuck with him, it chose right then and there that there wouldn't be a single crumb of good food in sight - just his luck! 

As if that wasn't a big enough of an annoyance on its own, just as he was about to slam the refrigerator door shut - the power cut off. Guessing that the reason for the outage was the storm, Obito found himself searching blindly in the darkness, feeling absolutely beaten down this time around. The sudden shriek to come from the apartment next to his own nearly made him jump out of his skin.

"Keep it down, you fucking shithead!", he shouted, slamming his fist against the kitchen wall angrily. Obito was rather cranky when hungry - clearly. 

The sudden knock to come a minute later made him sigh. Using his phone as a flashlight, he opened the door swiftly, his brows furrowed at the sight of her standing in front him.

"What if I were being kidnapped or murdered next door? You'd just shout for me to shut up?!", she glared up at him, and when he flashed the light directly into her face, her eyes narrowed. With a frown, she pushed his hand away furiously.

"You seem just fine to me... And don't worry about getting kidnapped, sweetheart.", Obito rolled his eyes at her, "They'd bring you right back."

"What's that supposed to mean, you prick?", she said, and he could nearly see the vein pop on her temple.

"Nothing. What do you want?", he sighed, rubbing his eyes tiredly. His shirt clung uncomfortably to his chest from how drenched it was. Today really wasn't his to conquer.

"I just wanted to ask if...", she trailed off awkwardly all of a sudden, and the action was so unlike her,  "If I could, uh, stay with you, maybe...? Just until the power comes back on, of course."

Obito stared down at her with an arching brow, and his eyes made her visibly nervous. Her fingers fidgeted slightly as she tugged onto the sleeves of her sweater. So, she did come here for something else than to argue with him, after all.

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