// 004 //

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A couple of days had passed ever since Obito had last seen the dragon that was the girl next door

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A couple of days had passed ever since Obito had last seen the dragon that was the girl next door. Not sure if that was a good or bad thing, the Uchiha had no clue what to make of it. Sure, he didn't exactly like her, but what he did like was their petty bickering. Well, somewhat. He also liked the way her nose scrunched up from annoyance at the sight of him, and the way she pouted when he teased her right back with equally as snarky remarks... Oh, and her smooth legs, and soft curves - can't forget about those, he definitely liked looking at them as well... Hm.

But he didn't like her; as a whole. Absolutely not.

Entering the apartment complex on one particular Friday, Obito was not alone this time. With his two best friends by his side, they had planned-out a nice evening on the building's rooftop. Drinks, unhealthy snacks and banter were sure to give a good start to the weekend, right? Now, the cheerful trio were just about to head upstairs, when;

"Obito! So nice to see you, sweetheart..."

"Oh, Mrs. Tanaka! Hello.", Obito grinned at the sweet woman, as his friends did just the same.

Mrs. Tanaka was an old, but joyous little thing. The woman was even older than his own grandmother - and that meant nearly ancient. About two years ago, she had to move into the little apartment next to the lobby since the building lacked an elevator. Obito had helped her move out back then; carrying things down the stairs, ranging from the microwave, and right to the old-fashioned dresser she owned for seemingly half a century.

Ever since then, she had treated Obito like her own grandson.

"Would you mind taking this to y/n's apartment? It would take me a while to get up the stairs, you know how it is...", Mrs. Tanaka said bashfully. Such a sweet angel!

"Yeah, sure!", Obito spoke, eyeing the particular little container she was holding inside her shaky hands before he took it from her gently, "I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch the name... Who do you need me to give this to again?"

"The Senju girl that moved in a few days ago.", she said, and Obito's face nearly lost all of its colour in a sheer moment, "Such a sweet girl! She made me some cookies, and I just couldn't stop eating them from how good they were... My doctor is going to kill me. That is, if my blood sugar doesn't get to me first, hah!"

// Sweet...? Her?! //

"O-Oh, heh... y/n, you said? Yeah, sure. No problem.", he stammered a bit. At least he knew that the she-devil had a name now. Secretly, he was somewhat excited that he got a reason to see her again. Of course he would never admit it, however he did somewhat miss seeing her stubborn little face. The only trouble was...

"Thank you, Obito!"

"Don't mention it, Mrs. Tanaka... See you!"

Running up the stairs by taking two at a time, Kakashi Hatake and Rin Nohara barely had a chance of catching up to the now clearly flustered Uchiha. The two friends watched the way Obito's brows knit tightly together as he turned to glance at them quickly. Both suddenly felt very out of place; almost like he didn't want them there...

"What's up with you all of a sudden?", Kakashi spoke as he tried to catch up to his best friend.

"Mm?", Obito mumbled, "Nothing, why?"

"You're acting all weird...", Kakashi said.

"I'm not. Shut up, Kakashi."

He was already walking down the hallway when Kakashi and Rin barely managed to reach the top of the stairs. Both were fast to follow after him with curious eyes. They had never seen him act like this. Sure, Obito was a goofball that easily got riled up, but at this point he seemed straight up jumpy.

"Aren't you going to carry the box to... Oh.", Rin started to say, but changed her mind when Obito walked past the door to his own apartment. Now, they were all close enough to see the last name taped to the door.


"Oh, you've got someone living next door now? Why didn't you tell us? How exciting!", Rin exclaimed and Obito grumbled something under his breath that neither her nor Kakashi were able to catch. He knocked on the door then, tapping his foot against the floor like his nerves were giving him absolute hell. The whole state of nervosity coming from the Uchiha made Kakashi's brow rise in visible puzzlement.

"Just a minute!", a voice sounded from the other side. A pleasant voice.

When the door opened a few moments later, Kakashi Hatake understood the origin of Obito's sudden anxiety. 

"Yes...? Oh. It's the village idiot.", y/n grumbled, and Obito could see her expression fall dramatically at the sight of him. She resisted an eye roll this time; the little brat.

"Call me that again, and I'll slam the damn box over your head.", he sighed.

"Like you'd stand a chance.", she scoffed as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"At what?"

"At slamming me, stupid."

"Ha ha! So funny! We've got ourselves a comedian! Like I'd ever want that...", he mocked and lied at the same time, handing her the container with a glare.

Rin and Kakashi only stood in dumbfound silence as they tried to process the weird exchange.

As she reached for it, their fingers touched just for a moment. Obito's face reddened at the sudden rush of warmth to wash over him. She stared up at him for a moment too long before looking away, but he didn't catch it. 

The other two surely did, though.

Speaking of Rin and Kakashi, Obito didn't like the fact that they were with him - simple as that. Surprisingly, he didn't feel like sharing this girl. And perhaps it was selfish, however he was worried. He had good reasoning for it, after all. 

Kakashi Hatake was with him. And the girls always chose Kakashi over him.

"And who are you supposed to be, pretty boy?", she said, turning towards his best friend like she wished to confirm the Uchiha's concerns. Obito could see Kakashi's head tilt slightly to the side as he eyed her up curiously.

"Me?", Kakashi asked, pointing to himself.

"Obviously.", she chuckled quietly.

"Kakashi Hatake. I'm Obito's best friend.", he mused, patting Obito's shoulder, "And you are?"

"y/n Senju. His neighbour. I'm surprised he even has friends.", she replied, smiling warmly despite the jab as she pointed to the Uchiha's door.

"Pretty name.", he complimented, and Obito knew what that meant.

"Why thank you... Kakashi Hatake.", she said his name like it was the sweetest piece of candy in the world. Goddamn... Of course she'd give Kakashi her name so easily.

// She actually is sweet... Just not towards me. Ah, whatever. //

It wasn't whatever, really. Obito's jaw clenched as he watched his best friend score more points with her in a mere minute than what he had managed to gain in a week.

He couldn't understand why he wasn't able to get her to treat him like that. She had just proved to him that she could be more than just plain scary. She was nice to Mrs. Tanaka; was even kind to Rin at this very moment...

Why was he the only exception?

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