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OBITO laid awake in his bed as the late afternoon transfigured into evening

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OBITO laid awake in his bed as the late afternoon transfigured into evening. However this time; he wasn't alone.

Her calm breathing tickled his neck with each rhythmic exhale she gave. Ever since his 26th birthday, the Senju had spent every single night she was off work sleeping in his bed. It had come as far as the ginger cat she owned to becoming his new roommate. Speaking of the cat; currently it was peacefully napping on the edge of the bed. His bed. He could feel each satisfied purr against his feet.

She, on the other hand, was completely curled up against him. Her leg was splayed over his stomach comfortably, her arm heavy to lay on his chest. She was pulling him close as she slept, but the slumber was delicate. Every single time he dared to move, he could see her brows pull inward in protest.

After he had finished having his way with her yet again, she had fallen victim to the very same catnap the damn feline next to his feet was indulging in. Silence lingered except for the continuous purrs, and Obito enjoyed this new feeling of contentment she was giving him.

But he was restless, and it was still far too early for sleep.

And so, he turned his head to the side to look at her. She was so cute when she slept. Seeing her like this, he would never have guessed how absolutely ill-mannered she could be when it came to words. Her cheek felt hot underneath his fingers when he delicately trailed them over the side of her face. Despite the semi-darkness to fall upon his bedroom now; he could still see the warm pink hue to linger on her skin.

"Baby, wake up.", he whispered softly, poking her in the cheek.

Her eyelids trembled slightly as he continued to nudge the tip of his index finger into the soft flesh. She let out a little groan in protest before finally opening her eyes. Her hand was lazy when it tried to push his own away, and when that didn't work - she just placed her palm onto his face instead.

"Go away.", she mumbled, and her voice was deep from sleep as she pushed at his forehead to cause some distance between them.

"C'mon, I'm growing bored of watching you sleep.", Obito snickered quietly, wrapping his fingers around her wrist to pull her hand away from his face.

"Okay, Edward Cullen.", she sighed before nuzzling her head into the crook of his neck again.

By now; the Uchiha knew who that was. And besides Edward Cullen, he had also finally found out who the Volturi guys were that she had mentioned after seeing his Sharingan for the very first time. 

Just two days ago, she had forced him to watch the whole Twilight saga with her, and it may have just been the worst night in Obito's life. If anything else; the cheesy films had certainly produced a core memory. A bad one, at that. Perhaps, it would have been better to just let her sleep. He didn't want to give her any ideas of yet another dreadful movie marathon, but he was in it far too deep already.

"Baby.", he said again, prolonging the last letter just to annoy her further.

"Go to sleep, Obito.", she mumbled, "And stop calling me that."

"But, I can't sleep, y/n Senju.", he teased, poking her in the cheek again, "I'm not feeling tired."

"Okay, that's it.", she groaned, pushing away from him. He watched her sit up, and the expression on her face was hilariously furious as she glared down at him. She ran her fingers through her bedhead before stomping out of his bedroom in nothing else but his shirt which she had managed to pull on in between the little chaos.

"Where are you going?", he called after her, the amusement hard to miss inside his voice now.

"To mine. I'll be right back.", she huffed, and he could hear the door slam shut behind her.

Two minutes later, she was inside his bedroom again, holding a night light and something else in her hand. Obito sat up to look at what she was pushing towards him now. A cookie, and even better - a chocolate chip one. Oh, he loved those!

"You're bribing me with a cookie?", Obito mused, but he still reached for the sweet.

"Mm, no. It's going to help you sleep.", she said, "Eat only half of it, though."

He looked up at her, puzzlement crossing his features at the statement. And then; when he took the sweet from her - he could catch the rather peculiar scent to linger next to the smell of sugar and chocolate.

"There's weed inside this, isn't there?", he asked with a chuckle.

"Of course, isn't it obvious?", she rolled her eyes at him, "My friend makes them. You don't have to if you don't want to. I just thought it'd be fun since it's both our day off, and you're being rather clingy."

"It's okay. I've had my fair share back in high school, you know.", he sighed, taking a bite of the sweet whilst ignoring her little jab. When he was finished with half of it, he held the rest in front of her rosy lips.

"You used to party?", she asked, copying his actions.

"Yeah... Sometimes a little too much, though.", Obito admitted, watching her lips wrap around his finger delicately as she licked off the sugary crumbs now, "My temper was really short back then, too... And as far as I know; a short temper and drunk douchebags really do not go hand in hand."

"Did you beat their ass?", she smiled before placing a gentle kiss onto the tip of his finger.

"Mhm...", he hummed lowly before cupping her face with one hand alone, "By the way, don't tease me like that unless you want me to make you sweat out the THC before it even manages to kick in."

"You look like the type... To break a dude's nose if he acted like an asshole, I mean.", she said, chuckling lowly at his little 'threat'.

"Does that not bother you?", he asked, searching her eyes warmly. He was genuinely curious now.

"No, I rather like that about you if I'm quite honest...", she admitted, but this time he caught her gaze avert from his own. Still so unsure of her feelings she harboured for him... Not a problem, though. Obito would give her all the time in the world if it meant that she would be his at the end of the day.

"I don't think you'd enjoy seeing that side of me... I seriously hope it never comes to that.", Obito sighed, letting go of her. She would most surely get repulsed by how cruel he could get.

"No matter... I still like your rough edges, despite how annoying they are.", she grinned, pressing a kiss to his forehead, "Now, come on. Let's build a fort in the living room before I'm too high to function. You can pick a movie this time."

"Deal.", he said, letting her pull him up to his feet.

"Bring the cat.", she said, already making her way towards the living room, "He doesn't like being alone."

"And she calls me clingy...", Obito sighed, scooping the feline into his arms with one smooth motion, "Come on, buddy... At least I'll pick a movie that doesn't include a giant dog that scares the shit out of you."

"He's a werewolf! And you know damn well that his name is Jacob!", her voice called out down the hallway.

"Yeah, yeah!", Obito said, before quietly cooing to the cat inside his arms, "Don't worry, Elton. I won't let scary dog boy Jacob get to ya."

When the ginger feline bumped its head against his jawline with another satisfied purr, Obito couldn't help but snicker. 

Perhaps his new roommate wasn't so bad.

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