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"pa." alexander greeted his mother. "what's this all about babe? youre a what?"

gulf slipped off. tapping his sons shoulders in acknowledgment. this is a couple-matter.

muren shocked at his mates entrance, wondered how much he had heard.

"babe?" alexander call out on his mate seeing that he was stunned at his place. he approached him slowly, not wanting to startle his mate.

"h-huh? umn... i'm... uh... an h-hermaphrodite?" muren wants to tell him but it came out as a question in his confusion.


"i'm b-biologically a man but i h-have a wo-woman's reproductive parts." muren said head hung low, not wanting to see his mates reaction. what if hes disgusted? what if he find it revolting having a partner like this? would he reject him? would he leave him for good? would he return him to his parents?

"oh. about that. i knew."

muren nearly knocked alexander in the head as he snapped his up to look at him in shock.

"h-how did you know?"

"well, first, i wondered where your blood scent came from. i thought you have some cuts somewhere that i couldn't see when we first saw each other. then, by the time that we first slept together, you stormed out to the bathroom when you thought you were cleared about something. then, when it was my turn to bathe, well, youre not very subtle in disposing your stuff, babe. i saw it. i was curious at first but when i remembered what my sister have gone through every month, me being the eldest, was always the one who purchase them if she ran-out of it. so i knew what it was for."

"i-im sorry." for keeping it a secret? for being untidy in disposing it? for being secretive? muren couldnt pin-point himself. but then again, he was thankful that he took it calmly as he could.

"dont be sorry for something you have no control with. do your parents knew about it?" he said hugging muren from behind.

"it started when i was 14 after my biological father died. i have kept it from my mom and step dad for almost 10 years but they eventually put 2 and 2 together on that day when you saw me at the park. i ran 'cause they want to sell me to a jerk who wants me to be a baby maker. i couldnt take it anymore." muren sobs at alexanders chest.

"hush, babe. youre safe. they wont hurt you anymore while im here. i'll rip them to shreds if they so much as touch your hair."

"i never meant to hide it from you, lexie. im... im just so afraid that you would be disgusted with... me. i'm so afraid that you would not love me a-anymore and leave me. i dont want to return to that crack-house. theyll sell me. theyll make money out of me. i dont want to suffer like that anymore. please, im gonna break, lex. im gonna die than to leave you. please. i love you." muren poured his heart out.

"hush, babylove. thats enough. i will not let anything happened to you. the moon goddess made you for me. remember that. she chose me to be with you to protect and love you, baby. i love you so much, babe. i wont ever let go of you. no matter how much you push me out of your life, ill always, always come back to you." he hugged him tightly hoping that his mate would somehow feel that he meant what he said.

time skip

over dinner at the penthouse

laughter rang at the table when gulf was reminiscing about alexanders escapades when he was little

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laughter rang at the table when gulf was reminiscing about alexanders escapades when he was little. this made alexander wants to bury himself down under the table to hide his flushing face.

"who knew alexander would be so shy when he first started his kindergarten. him being a true blood alpha like his father should be up and about with his chest out but no, he grasps my leg, hides behind it and grumbled about how untidy the entrance was." gulf engulfed some air in between laughs. "we were so embarassed at the teacher who was listening in wondering why we were taking so long to enter."

"but see, there's this one time, though. we were so furious at him during his, wait... when was it again, love? the beatings?" mew said scoffing, asking gulf about a memory.

"middle school." he replied over a mouthfull of lasagna.

"yeah, at the end of his middle school. he beat up a gang of bullies." mew said smirking proudly on his sons doing.

"well, on my defense, they were bullying this little freshman, i think - i mistook him for being an elementary student if it were not for his uniform, by the side of the greenhouse just because he was wearing oversized uniform, mispaired strawberry and owls socks and was clutching a rainbow colored..."

"elephant backpack." muren cut alexander short causing the table to stand in silence.

"y-yeah, it- it was an elephant backpack. h-how did you know?" alexander eyed his mate wondering.

"i-i was the one being b-bullied."

"y-you were? h-how?"

"they bullied me from when the semester started. my dad just passed away and my mom recently got her boyfriend. they started to neglect me at that point. that socks were too small for me since it was from my elementary days and that backpack i got from some trash along the way to the school. Sometime after that incident with the bullies, my um... started." muren shyly lowered his voice at the end. "S-sorry."

"y-youre that kid?" alexander said in disbelief. "my goddess, im so glad i got rid of them for you." alexander reached out to muren and kissed his temple.

"yeah, even though you are graduating, your teacher made you go a week of detention for that and annoyed the hell out of us." mew said chuckling.

"ren, dear. help me with the deserts please." gulf reached murens hand to pull him to the kitchen.

at the kitchen

"dear? you okay?" gulf said in a lowered voice only them could hear

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"dear? you okay?" gulf said in a lowered voice only them could hear.

"yes, papa. im just glad i told alexander everything thats weighing in my heart. i just hope that the love he has for me wont fade away during his time with me."

"dont worry about it, dear. i'm on your side. by the way," gulf faced muren and lowered his head near the young mans ear. "you better let alexander mark and mate you. his possessiveness over you is leaking through. his eyes darts from red to his light blue eyes and im beginning to get concerned. ask him about it, dear, otherwise all that control that you see from him today, will turn 180 to everything that gets near you and that includes us. okay?" muren nods at that.

muren wondered what marking means? is it like dogs? like pissing on their territories, like that? or is it something painful? or wonderful? muren never knows what to expect with this people.


its so hard being human.

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