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morning of murens 6th month

at alexanders car for his mates appointment at the hospital

"love?" muren asked his mate while staring lovingly at his bump.

"yes, babe?" lex answered while stirring out of the garage.

"when you knew that a human like me, could get pregnant, arent you disgusted? or even asked yourself that maybe im a freak?" muren asked looking our his window fearing what alexanders answer might be.

"well, if youre asking at the standard humans view of your situation, youre definitely special. but if youre asking at OUR side of view, well, youre very much like an omega, normal for our kind. no matter, babe, youre still you and i love you for it. why ask?" he eyed his mates solemn face.

"it just... still a puzzle for me that you and your family accepted me so easily despite my situation."

"dont fret over it, babe. besides, if its the freakishness, if that even a word, is what you are worried about. were werewolves. were most probably a more freak of nature than you are and people tend to put us in a padded cell if ever we say what we are in public." he smiled at that. "dont stress yourself over it, okay?"


at the hospital

"hello, there sir muren, sir alexander

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"hello, there sir muren, sir alexander. are you ready for your babys gender?" the woman said gleefully and the couple nods in agreement.

"lets see then," she said as she spread the gel around murens lower belly. rolling around the wand-like thing over murens belly, the doctor suddenly laughed.

"what? whats wrong?" muren said curiously.

"nothings wrong, sir. its just that your baby seems so shy. see that?" she pointed at the center of the screen. "the babys legs are crossed over his groin area. i cant decipher whether its a boy or a girl. oh, well. maybe we could see if you could talk to your baby or nudge it a little to coax it to move."

"nudge? would it hurt him?" alexander asked worriedly.

"what? no, definitely not. just a simple boop will do." the woman said smartly. it seems she understood that alexander wont let her touch muren any other than that wand of hers. the alpha is emitting a possessive scent over the human. muren, on the other hand, was oblivious to this.

"well, here goes." muren rubbed his belly and pressed it ever so lightly. "baby will you move please. mommy wants to see your minies so mommy and daddy could buy you presents."

"baby could you scooch over a little please. daddy will give you lots of kisses." alex hummed over murens belly.

then they witnessed a rather cute thing. the baby squirmed over the monitor. muren felt his baby moved inside him causing him to grab his belly in surprise. with that, the doctor searched for an angle to see the gender of their baby.

"oh! that was so wonderful! he did move. well its a HE alright. congratulations!" the doctor uttered.

"a boy, love! were gonna have a baby boy!" muren teared at that. a baby of their own at last.

"thank you, babe. so much!" alexander kissed mure and he was so elated he jumped up from his seat and punched the air in delight. "yes! a boy! oh my goddess! well have to tell everyone! goodness!" rubbing his face in disbelief that this is it! this is real! all the effort that they did to have a pup! finally!

on the way back to the penthouse, they visited the mall for a quick purchase of something blue to surprise alexanders family.

muren was also cleared to have a little freedom out of bed since everything seems stable and the babys health is up to a tee healthy

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muren was also cleared to have a little freedom out of bed since everything seems stable and the babys health is up to a tee healthy. but then again, he was advised not to prolong standing up or walking too long. running is out of the question - hes not allowed period.

upon entering the penthouse, him and alexander agreed not to spill anything until dinner time since everyone promised to be there including ethan together with his mates.

"how did it go?" gulf asked as they sat with him in the living room. gentleman and overly cautious as he is, alexander assisted muren to sit down by his mothers side.

"the babys fine and well we know the gender. but..." muren looked over alexander over on the loveseat.

"but we wont tell until dinner." alexander grimmaced at his mother teasing him.

"damn it! i thought i could be the first one to know." he tried looking over alexanders head but, "whats with the song, son?"

alexander just smiled.

"clever." gulf dead panned.

moments later nearly dinner time

everything on the table was set for dinner but ethan and his mates were still not there.

"maybe they got into traffic." said natasha setting a bowl of salad on the table.

"oh! ethan just texted me. theyre on their way up. they stopped by somewhere to buy something for dinner and for muren as well. they didnt tell what though." alexander replied from the kitchen.

as if on cue, the sound of the elevator pinging from the hallway rang. right then and there entered first was a smiley ethan looking rather expensive and along with him was 2 mighty overly pale individuals and equally styled formally as well.

"ethan, son! welcome back! and who might these two be?" asked gulf front and center. everyone then filed behind him and alexander brought muren behind him automatically. alexanders radar for danger for muren hummed in his head. these two for him smells danger even though they were his brothers mates.

"pa, theyre cade and shane my mates. mates, meet the family. thats my mom gulf, my dad mew behind him. my sister nattasha and her mate, vicky. and thats alexander with his pregnant mate muren." he said pointing at them one by one.

"the pleasure are all ours. its very nice to finally meeting you." they said creepily in chorus and nods at them.

"thanks for coming guys and welcome to the family. lets head for dinner now since muren and alexander got an announcement later and i cant wait to hear it." they chuckled at that.

" they chuckled at that

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