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"GO! NOW!" ethan exclaimed snapping the both of them out of their trance. "go to the nearest hospital, bro. he needs immediate attention."

"B-but... how about you ethan?" alexander watched ethan wondering about the progress of his mission.

"i'm alright. im about to end my mission here but i need this final move to incapacitate them more. i have to do this otherwise everything that i did before this will all be for naught. Okay? Just take care of muren here and my nephew."

"nephew?" alexander ask.

"that's supposed to be a nephew there. im betting on it." ethan chuckled. "now, go, go, go."

"step back a little." alexander muttered as put both of his hand to the cages lock melting it with his fire. molten steel dripped from his hand. he then yanked the door open and grasps muren and carried him out of the ballroom the way he went in.

"close your eyes, baby. i dont want you to see something horrible." alexander said as he sprinted towards the backdoor with muren on his arms.


as the chopper touched down on the adjacent hotels helipad, alexander left mew to attend to the craft. he rushed towards the lift and ran through the throng of people in the lobby to go to the 5star hotel where ethan last reported to be the place where the auction will happened.

alexander groomed himself presentable to disguise himself as he entered the lobby of the posh hotel. looking around he saw a group of people. 2 men both wearing red suits and almost identical in their appearances save for their hairs, was being surrounded by what seems to be their guards.


alexander couldnt believe hes going to do this on his own without any plan or even the exact location of his mate.

without any thought he blended in the crowd and followed the group inside. they went to the hallway leading to various ballrooms.

suddenly alexander caught his mates scent. as the group disappeared at the end of the hall, alexander followed the scent but as he turned to a corner, he was surprised to see 5 men in suits guarding a lone door.

seeing that maybe alexander was just lost, a man in his sunglasses approached him. "I'm sorry sir but this is a restricted area. the auction hall is at the far end to the left of that hall." he pointed to where he came from.

"i'm sorry but thats not what i came for. you're holding something thats mine and i want it back." alexander said with poison in his voice.

5 humans to 1 pure blooded alpha?


one human, although buffed was slow on his heels. literally. he's wearing heels. damn! who are these people?

he tried to push alexander back to the hallway from where he came from but he growled at him. "dont touch me!" he said eyes flashing red. kuda doesn't like to be pushed around. hes an alpha and he demands respect!

kuda reached for the mans throat and gripped it too tight, he ripped it. the man gurgles at his own blood. startled, 3 men rushed to him as 1 pulled out a walkie behind them.

swiftly kuda, pushed passed them and swatted the walkie out of the mans hand ripping it off in the process.

too feeble.

the 3 hoodlums advanced at him all at once, kuda made the tight halls as his ring as he ran up the wall avoiding one roundhouse kick from one and landing behind him. he reached for the head behind him and twisted it in one move.

feeling agitated AND irritated because theyre taking too much of his time, kuda elongated his fangs and nails and started rushing to the other two who attempted to run.

swiftly he bit the neck off one and stab through the heart of the other with his hand all at the same time.

humans as they are they're still responsible for their demise and what they are doing here are beyond humane to all kinds of beings.

they deserved it.

he wiped his bloodied hand and mouth on a dead mans shirt. he doesnt want to scare his mate.

alexander opened the door finding himself in a white lit room but was marred by several cages up front. almost every cage was emptied saved for 2.

"Ren-?" alexander ran towards the cages, ducking himself a bit as caution.

upon reaching the largest cage, he saw muren cradled on ethan's lap. he felt a pang of jealousy but shooed it away when he remembered and saw blood on murens behind.

without regard to the bars, muren reached out to him and embraced him. sniffing his mates scent, alexander finally calmed himself.

"lets go, baby. youre safe."


running through the lobby, alexander carried muren on his arms without care that several peoples gazes followed them.kuda very much like to set the place ablazed but their mate takes first priority over the lowlives.

"love, is it true?" muren said with his hand on his abdomen.

"what is, babe?" alexander huffs as he ran towards their helicopter. although he wish he could carry muren all the way to the hospital, the nearest one would be 30 minutes away by car and nearly over an hour by foot. without much choice, he just hopes that muren and possibly, their pup would be fine if they take their helicopter going to it.

"that i'm pregnant?" muren nearly sobs at the thought that it could be his fault if ever he loses the one thing that they are praying for ever since they mated

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"that i'm pregnant?" muren nearly sobs at the thought that it could be his fault if ever he loses the one thing that they are praying for ever since they mated.

"i dont know for sure, babe. but if its true, well take care of him with all of our capablities and love, right babe?" muren could only nod in reply.

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