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a week passed and finally murens bleeding dissipated totally then they were cleared for air transport to mews penthouse

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a week passed and finally murens bleeding dissipated totally then they were cleared for air transport to mews penthouse. clearly, alexander wants muren to have someone he trusted around him on his vulnerable state. its not that alexander doesnt trust his pack but its much accessible here in the city than in the mansion for immediate emergencies especially to the packs future heir. his mom was also their for muren just in case muren wants to talk to someone closer about his situation.

as alexander laid muren to his bed at the penthouse, he carefully glared to his mate, "please babe, dont leave this bed except for potty breaks. doctors orders. if you need anything, just yell for help from anyone here. were at your beck and call for the entirety of your pregnancy and please, dont be guilty or anything. we just love you and thats what matters, okay?"

 we just love you and thats what matters, okay?"

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"sure, but... would they mind? i mean, it will be so much trouble for them to care for me here." muren said head hung low.

"hey, babe. dont think like that. theyre very much like it if they could be of help. rest assured they dont mind it, i dont mind it. besides, most of the time, if theres nothing important will come up in my work, ill be here with you." alexander hugged his anxious mate. "stop being so anxious about it, okay? its not good for the both of you."

"okay. love?" muren looked up to his mate.

"yes, babe?"

"thank you. i love you. and im sorry."

"the thank you and i love you, i will accept. but the apology, i cannot. dont be sorry, babe. theres nothing to apologize for. instead, we should be happy and thankful for this little bean right here." alexander said amused and pointed to murens non existent bump. "hes our little treasure and ill apologize ahead for being so possessive and protective around you from now on, okay?"

"is it a wolf thing or a you thing" muren said with a glitter of joy in his eyes.

"more of a wolf thing but hey, my wolf is me and me is my wolf, so it a me thing in total." he laughed at that and hugged his adorable mate. he missed this side of muren. his smile, his scent, his sass. damn! how can he be so perfect in his eyes?

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