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muren could not believe what he heard from the doctor. he wanted to scream. he wanted to... he doesnt know... kill the woman who caused all these? first, his parents for not giving a damn about him and even sold him and now this bitch. how he wished he could have just died from that fall.

he wanted to.




if he died...

what then?

his son...

his lexie...

all the people that he now considered his family

the moments that he was with them was when he was the happiest.

would he have to give that up for a mere darkness?


he maybe a cripple now but he still got his family. he will try his best to cope up with this difficulty.

yes, its just a difficulty.

he could still move albeit slow but at least he could somehow care for his son. he wouldnt mind the extra hand as long as alexander would approve of it.

no, he wont give up

he wont give up his family

he doesnt want to ever mull over something so trivial. heck, there are people who are in more worse condition than him but still strived to be more successful.

as muren looked up, he realized it was just him, his son and alexander hugging him. he didnt realized that he was crying and sobbing in his hands.

"babe?" alexander said his voice coarse from him trying to be strong and keeping his sobs away.

"huh?" muren looked around. his hand falling to his sons sides and caressed his sleeping face. hes so cute. how could he have that thought earlier of leaving this beautiful angel before him.

"ethan and his mates are outside. would it be okay if they meet kea?" alexander said still burried in his hair still feeling responsible for all these mess. his beta is always a constant voice in his head reporting about the woman. he reported earlier that the woman is officially deranged. she eats, yeah, but enough that she could be still kept alive for another round of debasements and torture from the unmated and the warriors who felt the pain of their alpha. she now has missing toes and nails, broken teeth, bruises, maybe fractures and loose holes. its still not enough. alexander wanted more blood from her.

"yeah, sure. umn... lexie?" muren cupped alexanders face. the alpha could just kiss his mates palm and exhale. "please dont feel that this is your fault. it never is and never will be your fault. remember that, please. i love you, love." muren lean over his mates forehead savoring this moment that he could finally let go of his insecurities and move on.

"i love you, too, babe. just give me sometime to collect myself and take my revenge. i wont be able to sleep peacefully with the both of you unless i could completely release this anger and guilt that i felt ever since i saw you bloodied. rest assured, babe, it wont take long." he reached for a kiss. "im sorry, babe. im sorry. im so-"

"stop, lexie. STOP! its not your fault, okay? stop it love, it hurts more seeing you like this. i know by some miracle we could get over this. please, for kea sake?" alexander just nods in resignation. how could he be so lucky with this human? hes so kind, understanding and as time passes, became the packs pillar. the children adored him. the elders seek his company. even the warriors relied on his support.

"oh, im sorry. should we leave first or -" ethan suddenly exclaimed from the door. he grew bored and his mates are already getting antsy outside. they dont want to be around people that much.

"no, no. come here ethan. i missed you!" muren hugged the young one sideways. his stitches and bruises started to sting a bit. he thinks the pain killers are starting to wear off his system.

"miss you too, ren! oh my goddess! is this him?! its a him, right?" ethan gasps as he saw the bundled one on murens lap.

"youre right, alright uncle ethan." muren laughed.

"ew, dont call me that. i feel old." ethan said his face full of disgust. "how are you, ren? i was told you fell of a couple of stairs." he eyed alexander who was standing there talking to cade but suddenly stiffened. maybe ethan linked him with something cause alexander suddenly nods at him.

"im fine now actually but the doctor said i might not be able to stand or even walk anymore. i cant feel my legs at all, than. i may have fructured my spine when i fell."

"damn! that sounds painful." suddenly shane approached ethan and whispered in his ear. "excuse us for a moment, ren." muren nods at that. he just returned his attention to the now waking baby. funny as it seems, he made faces to his kea.

"are you sure?" muren heard ethans raised voice as he talked with shane and later with cade.

"the decision is up to them, dear one." shane replied. his voice is a bit husky with a bit of an accent. what it is muren doesnt know. its more like an accent used decades or even centuries ago. whatever. when he entered this family, anything, he means, ANYTHING is possible. he wouldnt even be surprised that ethans mates would end up being part of the supernatural. hail! plain old me! yey! human... blah...

moments later, ethan came over to us. alexander sat beside me and begun nuzzling my head and neck again.

"stop it, bro. were still here." ethan rebuked his brother. "now listen, shane suggested something that could somehow help you to stand and walk again - "

"really?" muren straightened his back willing to do anything to be totally mobile again and be of help to his family. no matter how he denied not being a burden to them if he did end up crippled, he will surely end up being a burden nonetheless. this is too precious of an opportunity to pass up.

"muren, no matter how much i love you, " a low growl was heard behind him. damn! possessive much mates? "dont interrupt me, please. im just getting to the hard part. again, shane could help you but theres a price. youll have a lower chance of getting pregnant again. lets say 3%?" he looked at shane and he nods. "so you need to think this over if you ever have a plan of adding another cutie pie in the family."

would muren take this chance?

this miracle?

to be able to walk again?

to be of help to the pack?

to his family?

he looked over his mate looking down at him as if waiting for him to answer. muren knows that whatever his decision will be, alexander will be there still loving him and supporting him.

"what do i have to do, ethan?"

"drink his blood."

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