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l u k e 💀

After Luke's last class of the day, Math (which him and Michael have together; they sat with each other. Again), he and Calum walk out to the student parking lot. As Luke is talking with Calum, he notices a familiar bush of lilac hair in the next aisle. Luke stares at Michael until Michael notices, then the boys smile and wave at each other.

Luke and Calum get into Luke's car, then go to Luke's house. They both greet Liz, then go up to Luke's room. Luke puts his phone into the iHome, then plays All Time Low's Dirty Work album while they do home work.

"Do you like that Michael guy?" Calum asks out of the blue.

Luke looks up at him. "Why do you ask?"

"Well, you were staring at him a lot during lunch and class, and you two were talking a lot."

"I dunno," Luke shrugs. "I don't really know him well enough to say if I like him."

Calum nods, then continues his Western Civilization homework. Luke can't help but think about the piece of paper with Michaels phone number in his backpack. Luke unplugs his phone, the adds Michael as a contact and texts him.

Hey, he types, it's Luke:)

Luke plugs his phone back in and the album continues to play, until a his phone pings.

Hi Luke, Michael said.

What's up? Luke asks.

Nothing. Just online shopping. You?

Just doing my homework:/

Michael doesn't answer, so Luke puts his phone down and decides to not do hit homework. He puts everything away and lays on his bed.

"I think I'm going to pierce my ears. What do you think?" Luke asks Calum.

"I think you should do it," Cal mumbles, trying to finish his chemistry study guide. Unlike Luke, Calum actually cares about his grades. Luke just wings most things (tests, quizzes, etc.) and only turns things in once and a while.

Luke grabs his guitar and strums along to Daydream Away as it plays. He then starts to hum, and ends up singing along as he plays the guitar. Calum glares at Luke with an annoyed look on his face, since he's trying to study, but Luke doesn't give two shits. The song switches to Killer Queen by Queen (awesome song by the way) and Luke and Calum look up at each other with excitement in their eyes.

Luke and Calum would always lip sync to this song when they were younger, doing funny dances as they did and having fun. They haven't done that in a while, and they were both thinking the same thing. Luke starts singing the opening lyrics, then Calum joins at "she's a killer queen". They dance around like idiots and laugh until the song is over. Calum gets back to work shortly after and Luke does everything he can to annoy him to death.


After Calum leaves, Luke is tempted to text Michael, but restrains himself. He doesn't want to come off too strong, doesn't want to make it obvious that he likes Michael. Plus, they've only been friends for a few hours. Luke has to wait longer than that before he can tell if he actuall likes Michael.

m i c h a e l 🌸

After an hour of online shopping, Michael shuts his laptop and goes downstairs. His mom is home from work, and dad should be when dinner is ready.

"Hi, sweetie," Michael's mom smiles. "How was school?"

"It was good. I think I made a new friend," Michael answers.

"That's nice. What's their name?"

"Luke. Luke Hemmings."

Mrs. Clifford looks up from the pot of pasta and looks at Michael.

"Mikey, I heard that boy's trouble. Be careful around him."

"Mom, I'll be fine," Michael scoffs, fixing his skirt. "He's really nice. Don't judge him by what you've heard about him."

"I know but...just be careful. I don't want you to get hurt."

Michael nods, then grabs his black backpack and goes back upstairs to start his homework. As he writes his english paper, he wonders why his mom doesn't want him getting hurt. most people are nice to him. Michael shrugs and continues to write, humming along to Me by The 1975.


Later that night, Michael is looking on Pinterest for cute nail polish designs when Luke texts him.

Are you awake? Luke asks.

Yes, Can't sleep? Michael replies.

No, Luke says, I'm too sad.

What's the matter?

I honestly have no idea. I've been really depressed the past couple months and I just don't know.

I'm sorry:/ I know how that feels. Maybe you can talk to your parents? They can find you a therapist who can help and perscribe you to anti-depressents. That's what my parents did for me when I came out as a gay/cross dresser. It really helps, I promise.

Thanks, princess:) goodnight xx


Michael re-reads the conversation, smiling at the text when Luke called him princess. Nobody's ever called Michael princess before; he liked it, though. Michael set his alarm before putting his phone on the night stand and closing his eyes, thinking about the beautiful punk boy that he's develpoed a slight crush on.


Another short chapter. These chapter actually aren't going to be super long, 800-1,000 words at the most.

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