*Twenty Six

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this is the last chapter :-( but I'm making a sequel :-D


michael woke up and moves his arms around to find luke's body, but only felt and empty spot and cold sheets. michael opened his eyes and panicked.

"luke?!" michael yells.

he hears shuffling downstairs, then then feet clomping up the steps. luke appears in the doorway seconds later, staring at michael with a concerned look. he sees michael staring back, slightly shaking and a few tears slipping from his eyes.

"baby, i was only downstairs. i couldn't sleep, 'm sorry," luke whispers, cradling the sad boy in his arms.

"'m sorry about freaking out. i was used to waking up frightened when you weren't next to me the past two weeks."

"don't apologize, mikey."

luke rubs his thumb around michaels bare hip and kissing his baby pink cheeks.

"do you want to go get some coffee?" luke asks.

michael nods, then gets out of luke's lap. he rummages through the drawers before putting on leggings, luke's hoodie and some white converse.

luke changes, then the two lock the condo up before leaving the building and driving into the city to get some starbucks. it's pumpkin spice latte season and michael was looking forward to having one.

the two boys ordered, luke pays, and now they wait for their drinks. once they are made, luke grabs their coffees and michael picks a two person table by the window. they sit across from each other, and awkward silence filling the air.

"um, how's your drink?" luke asks, sipping his black coffee.

michael shrugs. "it's pretty good. thanks, by the way."

luke smiles at the small boy across from him, watching as michael winces when he burns his tongue. luke chuckles under his breath, then stretches his hand across the table.

"i love you, baby," luke says.

"you've told me that fifty billion times since yesterday," michael giggles.

"i know, but i feel terrible for leaving you. you were scared and alone and you weren't eating or going to school or going out. i shouldn't have done that, it was stupid of me."

michael nods in agreement. "it was."

luke looks at their hands, and smiles when he sees the ring he gave michael a few months ago. luke smiles, then widens his eyes.

"what's the date?" he frantically asks.

"it's the seventeenth of november," michael says. "why?"

"michael we missed our one year anniversary. it was last week," luke groans. "god, how could i be so stupid?!"

luke slides his hands down his face and groans.

"lukey, it's fine. it's not really a big deal," michael assures him.

"no, it is! last tuesday was the day we made it official one year ago. that's an important day in every couples history."

"we can just do something today. go out for dinner or something."

luke just nods, his face still in his hands.

once the two boys get home, luke makes a last minutes reservation at a nice italian restaurant while michael takes a shower.


"baby, go get dressed, we're going out," luke mumbles onto the top of michaels head.

the two had been cuddling and watching movies all day, and their dinner is in an hour.

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