Twenty Three

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song for this chapter: Ghost by Halsey (my mom) just bc you'll see why.


michael and luke are currently getting ready to go to court. luke was insanely nervous, but he knows that he has a loving boyfriend to support him.

michael rummages through his closet before putting on a black skater skirt and a loose fit white t-shirt tucked into it. he puts on black high tops, then sits next to luke on the bed.

"you ok?" michael asks, holding luke's hand.

luke nods. "yeah, just nervous."

michael kisses luke's cheek, then the two stand up and go out to luke's car.

once at the court house, luke hesitated before getting out of the car.

"baby, it'll be okay," michael says, kissing luke's cheek before the two exit the car and walk into the court house.


as michael had said, everything went okay. caroline did make up a story saying it was luke who tried to rape her, but nobody believed her since she had no proof, evidence or a witness, since michael was the only one.

caroline was sentenced to three years in a women's prison. luke walked out of the courthouse crying with michael holding his hand.

"that bitch got what she deserved," michael sasses.

"baby, your gay is showing," luke chuckles.

the two boys laugh, then sit in the car, discussing where to go for dinner. they decide on a small italian place down the street.

michael orders iced tea and shrimp scampi while luke gets diet coke and chicken alfredo.


after dinner, the boys walk around the city for a little bit, hand in hand and standing close, since it's getting chilly outside.

luke and michael drive home shortly after, since michael kept complaining about how cold he was.

the two lay in bed, michael in some baby pink panties and luke in his boxers. michael lays on his stomach and luke on his side, tracing shapes onto the smaller boys back. since luke's fingers are cold, chills spread through michaels body, giving him goosebumps. luke chuckles and michael smiles at the sound, becuase it's been a while since he last heard it.

"lukey, have you been feeling ok lately?" michael asks.

luke bites his lip and looks down. "not-not really."

"maybe you should ask your therapist to up your prescription."

luke nods. "yeah, i'll call tomorrow."

luke stares at michael, watching the smaller boy close his eyes and drift to sleep. luke's eyes scan over michael, memorizing everything about him; the scar above his eye, his kitten-like face, his cute little tummy, everything. luke wanted to remember everything about michael.


michael woke up the next morning to an empty half of the bed. he figured luke was eating breakfast, so he went back to sleep.

waking up the second time, around noon, he walked softly down the stairs to see no luke. michael frowned. there is a note on the island that reads,

"be back soon xx".

michael sets it down, then makes himself a bagel with pink cream cheese. he grabs his phone and sends a text to luke.

"hey, where'd you go?"


the rest of the day, michael hasn't heard from luke. he was getting worried. he's called and texted luke, but his phone is either off or dead. michael has also called luke's parents and brothers, but they also have no clue where luke could have run off to.

"should we file a missing persons report to the police?" andrew, luke's father, suggests.

"we should wait until tomorrow, just in case he comes home," michael says, choking back tears.

"ok. you text us if he says anything, michael, and we'll do the same," liz sighs.

they exchange their goodbye's, then michael shuts his laptop, laying on the couch and letting some tears escape. he lays there for a little bit, then gets up to shower. michael lets the steaming water hit his face and chest as he leans against the wall, eyes closed and more tears escaping through the cracks of his eyelids.

one thing michael loves about showers: you can't tell the difference between tear drops and water drops.

the silent sobs turn into loud cries and michael thinks about what could've happened to luke. there could've been an accident, he could've left michael becuase he realized what a piece of shit he is. the possibilities are endless.

michael sits in the shower for, at least, an hour before turning the scalding water off. he dries his body and hair, then wraps the black towel around his waist before walking to the bedroom, he puts on some panties, then one of luke's hoodies, which falls just past his bum.

michael holds the sleeve up to his nose because it smells just like luke; smoke, laundry detergent and cinnamon. it's the closest thing he has to luke, so it'll have to go until luke returns, but michael doesn't know when


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