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the following monday, michael is debating with himself if he should wear a lilac dress, or a white dress. although it's the same dress but different colors, michael doesn't know which one to wear. michael takes pictures of him with each dress on, plus what he'd wear with whichever dress. he then sends both photos to luke asking,

"lilac or white?"

luke answers minutes later, as michael is applying mascara.

"white x."

michael sighs in relief, since he already had the white dress on from the picture. after putting on blush and some pink lip gloss, michael goes downstairs. he kisses his mom on the cheek, then grabs his backpack. michael starts walking to school as he listens to the new panic! at the disco single (which is AMAZING btw). once michael's at the school, he looks for lukes car, but doesn't find it.

he's probably not here yet, michael thinks.

he then walks up to homeroom and sits with ashton.

"hey mikey," ashton smiles. "where's luke?"

michael shrugs. the two boys talk, then the bell rings. michael goes to his first period class. halfway through algebra, luke still doesn't show up, so michael sneaks his phone under his desk and texts luke.

"lukey, where are you?"

"is everything okay?"

"text me, lukey:("

michael continues the rest of his day, then heads down to the cafeteria at lunch. he checks his phone, and luke still hasn't texted back.

he's probably just sick, michael thinks.

"has anyone heard from luke?" calum asks once he sits down.

ashton and michael shake their heads. the three boys eat and talk, then go their separate ways after the lunch bell rings.


after school, michael decides to check on luke. he walks over to luke's house, then knocks on the door; liz answers seconds later.

"hi, michael," she smiles.

"hello," michael smiles back. "is luke home?"

"um, yes, he is. i don't think that this is the best time, though."

"why? is everything alright?"

liz thinks for a moment, then sighs.

"maybe he'll tell you. he's in his room."

michael frowns, then nods. he walks up the stairs and down the hall to lukes room. he knocks, but there's no answer. after knocking again, there's still no answer. michael presses his ear to the door and hears quiet sobs. he quietly opens the door and steps in, shutting the door behind him. michael walks over to the bed, where luke is laying on his tummy, his head facing the side and crying. michael kneels down in front of luke and whispers.


luke opens his eyes, which are red and have tears leaking from them. he smiles slightly at the sight of michael.

"hi, princess," luke croaks, his voice being hoarse from crying.

"hi, lukey," michael smiles, grabbing lukes shakey hand. "what's the matter?"

"remember how i told you that i have a slight depression?" michael nods. "it's been getting worse, baby, a lot worse. i feel like it's eating me, taking over my body."

"i'm sorry, lukey," michael whispers. he hates seeing his loved ones in pain, especially the boys he's hopelessly in love with.

luke shuts his eyes again, more tears squeezing through his eyelids. michael stands, then slides onto the other side of the bed. he wraps his arms around lukes broad body, scattering kisses on the back of luke's neck and shoulders.

"darling, you'll be okay," michael mumbles.

"oh, how original, mikey," luke chuckles, recognizing the lyrics of hold on 'til may by ptv.

michael giggles, then gives the taller boys torso a squeeze. michael listen to the muffled sobs that escape lukes lips as luke attempts to fall asleep.

"lukey, are you hungry?" michael asks.

"a little," luke nods. the two boys get out of the bed. luke puts on jeans and a hoodie, then his black vans. he tells his mom that they're getting food. michael and luke walk to the town, where they decide to go to a small corner cafe. michael gets a latte and a chicken salad, luke gets coffee and a panini. they sit at a booth in a quiete corner. michael holds lukes hand from across the table, rubbing the top of his hand with his thumb. lukes eyes are still red and he's looking at the table.

"i think you should talk to your parents, luke," michael suggests.

luke looks up and stares michael in the eyes.

"i don't know how," he whispers. "they think that i'm getting better, but I've been lying. they get annoying when it comes to my depression."

"luke, they act like that because they care. you can't keep lying, your mom already knows that something's up."

luke looks down to his lap, and michael tightens his grip on luke's hand.

"i care about you, luke," michael whispers.

the food and drinks then arrive. the boys eat in silence, then walk around the park.


the following night, luke talked to his parents about his depression. he tells them that he's bad again, and that he hasn't been taking his medicine lately. they weren't too happy that luke was lying, but they promise that they'll do anything to help.

after the talk, luke goes up to his room and texts michael.

"i talked to my parents," luke types.

"and...?" michael responds minutes later.

"they weren't really happy about the lying, but they said that i'll be getting help."


luke listens to music as he lays on his bed, then goes to sleep.


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