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the following monday, michael decides to walk to school, since it's really nice outside. he texts ashton, saying that he doesn't need a ride, then gets dressed. michael puts on boyfriend jeans, a white t-shirt and a black cardigan with half sleeves and ends at michael's mid-thigh. he decides to wear a little mascara today, just to make his stubby eye lashes look longer.

after putting on all black converse, michael grabs his backpack and walks into the kitchen, avoinding his father.

"come on, michael, are you still going to ignore me?" mr. clifford asks.

michael grabs a small can of arizona sweet tea, then his phone and leaves the house, trying to leave quickly before his dad asks more questions. as michael walks, the sun beats down on his pale face and makes him feel all warm and happy inside. michael likes this feeling, since he had a bad day yesterday and wants to forget about it.

while luke and calum walk to school, luke is telling calum about his michael's date. calum has never seen luke speak so passionately about anyone before, so he's happy that luke is happy with michael.

once the two boys arrive to the school grounds, luke starts to look for michael. he frowns when he doesn't see the lilac haired boy, then jumps when someone taps his shoulder. he turns around to see a smiling michael.

"hello, princess," luke smiles.

michael wraps his arms around lukes neck, and luke holds michaels waist.

"how are you?"

"i'm kind of sad," michael sighs, "but i'm happy now."

"and why is that?" luke smirks.

"because you make me happy," michael giggles, burying his face into lukes neck and inhaling his cologne. luke kisses michaels forehead, then the two boys pull away and walk hand in hand to home room.

michael sits next to luke, and ashton sits in front of them. the three boys talk while their home room teacher takes attendance. under the table, luke sneaks his hand onto michaels thigh, inching it up just to mess with michael. michael gasps when lukes hand is close to his dïck, then hides his face in his arms. luke just sits there and smirks at the boy. michael glares at luke, then moves lukes hand so it's resting on his knee. ashton stares at the pair, then shakes his head and does his math homework, which is due in fifteen minutes.

when the bell rings, luke walks michael to gym. before michael walks into the gymnasium, luke plants a kiss on his nose.

"i'll see you in english," luke says. as he walks away, michael smiles smiles at the back of lukes head, then walks into the gym.


after school, luke and michael walk to lukes house from school. michael didn't want to go home, so he asked to hang out with luke.

"why were you feeling sad this morning?" luke asks, grabbing michaels hand.

"i just got into a really big fight with my dad after i came home yesterday and was upset. i'm over it now, though," michael explains.

the boys reach lukes house. they say hello to liz, then go up to lukes bedroom. luke sits on the bed and plays all time low's nothing personal album. he watches michael looks through the vinyls, then michael walks over to the bed. luke grabs michaels waist and pulls Michael into his lap. michael looks down on him as he wraps his arms around lukes shoulders.

michael decides to tease luke, so he shifts himself in lukes lap to get "comfortable", then hears a small moan escape lukes lips. michael then leans down and suck on the skin on the side of luke's neck, and puts his hand on lukes lower stomach. he can feel lukes breath hitch, and smirks as he starts to attack lukes lips with his own.

"what happened to my innocent little princess?" luke moaned.

"he's feeling a little teasey right now," Michael whispers. michael pushes him down on the bed and straddles luke's waist. luke grips michaels hips as he leans down to kiss luke.

"are you wearing panties again?" luke mumbles.

michael nods, then luke starts to unbutton michaels jeans and pull them down his legs, only to see that the boy is wearing lacey pastel pink panties that are smaller than the black ones. michael takes his cardigan off, but keeps his t-shirt on.


the two boys didn't have sex, but there was a lot of kissing and butt touching. michael was now snuggled up to lukes side, and luke has an arm wrapped around michaels side protectively. michael stood up to go to the bathroom, then looked at himself in the mirror. his lips are swollen, hair ruffled and there's a hickey on his collarbone. he grazed his finger over it, then fixed his hair and went back out to luke's room. michael started to dress himself, then luke frowns.

"leaving me already, princess?" luke pouts.

"well, i can't stay all day. i have to do homework and eat dinner with my family," michael answers.

"ok, let me walk you home."

luke puts his jeans, t-shirt and shoes on, then the two boys begin walking to michael's house. once they are there, they stand on the porch and stare at each other. they hear a door open, and michael's dad is standing at the front door.

"michael," he says, "it's time to come in."

michael quickly glares at his father, then wraps his arms around luke's neck. luke places his hands on michaels waist, then the two lean into each other and have a mini make out session in front of mr. clifford.

"michael," mr. clifford spits. "what did i tell you yesterday?"

michael pulls away from luke, then whispers in lukes ear.

"go around to the back and climb up the tree."

luke nods, then waits until michael and mr. clifford are inside before he sneaks around the back. he climbs up the big tree and waits in front of a window to michaels room. minutes later, michael is rushing to open the window with tears running down his cheeks.

"what's wrong, princess?" luke asks, sitting on michaels bed and pulling michael into his lap.

"my dad's just being an asshole. he's a judgmental bitch who thinks anybody that looks bad, is bad," michael explains.

"so, your dad thinks i'm a bad person?" luke asks.

"geez, he thinks your awful," michael chuckles, shrugging his cardigan off. "but, to me, you're wonderful and sweet and i couldn't ask for a better "maybe" boyfriend."

luke smiles up and michael and pulls the lilac haired boy in for a hug.


Hello how are you all doing? It's really late rn but I just wanted to update and say thank you for getting Pastel so many reads within a few weeks. I know that 400 isn't alot, but to me it is:)) I hope you have a nice day/night.

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