Twenty Four

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it's been a week since luke has been missing. michael and the hemmings decided against a police report because they believe that luke is safe and will return. calum and ashton also are aware and are as worried as michael.

but michael's still a mess.

he's missed school all week, only going to pick up homework, then going back home and crying. he was pretty sure all of his tears have run out.

he's been skipping meals and not getting any sleep because of luke, too worried to eat or sleep.

michael lays in bed, holding luke's pillow to his chest and breathing in its scent. he reaches for his phone and holds it in his shakey hands, dialing luke's number.

"hello?" someone says after a few rings.

"l-lukey! is th-that y-you?" michael

"baby, what's the matter?" luke asks.

"you j-just ran o-off without telling an-anyone! i'm going to be ups-et a-and worried!" Michael cries.

"princess, 'm sorry i didn't tell you," luke says. "i just... i just need a few days to myself, that's all, baby."

"then you could've told someone! luke, you have everyone fücking worried sick about you!"

"baby, stop yelling."

"i'm not yelling!"

there's silence between the two.

"lukey, can you come home?" michael pleads.

"no, baby. not now."

"why n-not?" michael can feel more hot tears forming.

"i'm still thinking, mikey. i need a few more days."

"will you be home in a few days?" michael asks. "and where are you at?"

"i can't tell you michael, and yes, i'll be home soon."

"can you promise that?"

"no, i can't, baby."

michael hangs up out of frustration and throws his phone across the room, not caring about the crack going through the screen when it hits the ground.

he screams profanities into the pillow, balling the fabric into his small hands.

michael has never felt so much pain in his life. breaking every bone in his body would hurt less than breaking his heart. if you were next to michael, you could hear the cracking of his heart.

"he hates me, he doesn't love me anymore. he left me!" michael screams, causing himself to believe these lies.

michael stands up and paces the room, he grits his teeth and pulls his hair (holla if ya get the song reference yo) and lets out and ear-bleeding scream, most likely causing concern for the neighbors.

michael picks up his phone and examines the crack before calling liz.

"michael, how's it going?" she says once she answers.

"i talked to luke."

"...what did he say?"

"he left so he could be by himself for a few days, but never told me when he'd be back."

liz sighs. "he's done this before. when he was sixteen. he wasn't in school for a week and a half becuase he drove across the state to get away from everyone and everything."

"i remember that," michael nods.

there's an awkward silence between the two.

"ok, call me if you hear anything else."

"ok, bye liz."

michael sets his phone down and sits on the bed, staring at the floor for quit some time before getting up and deciding to go out and get some coffee.

he showers, shaving his stubble-y legs and scrubbing his greasy hair, then going back to the bedroom and changing. he puts on black jeans, a white t-shirt and a thick, long black cardigan, and his black doc martins.

michael grabs his black bag and hesitates before walking down the stairs and outside the condo complex. he walks down the street to the local coffee shop, stepping inside and inhaling the scent of coffee and pastries.

michael orders a hot caramel latte and a cup of chicken noodle soup. he sits alone at a table, waiting for someone to bring his order when he see's a familiar figure walk in; ashton.

michael runs over and hugs ashton, scaring the taller boy.

"jesus, michael, you gave me a heart attack," ashton says, breathing heavily.

"sorry," michael chuckles. "what are you even doing up here?"

"calum and i are on vacation and are going up to canada, and we were actually on our way to see you. i just wanted to stop and grab us some coffee, but i'll go get calum."

ashton leaves and michael turns around to see that his food is at the table. he starts eating, then see's ashton walk back in with calum following closely behind. michael smiles and stands up, hugging calum, then the three sit at michaels table, ashton asking the waiter if he and calum can have some coffee.


the three boys talk over a small dinner at the cafe, then go back to michaels condo to watch a movie.

"well," ashton says after the movie is over, "it was great seeing you, mikey, but we gotta go."

"oh, okay," michael frowns.

"text us when you hear from luke," calum says.

michael hugs his friends, then they leave michael. he goes upstairs and changes, then checks his phone. nothing from luke. michael sighs, then pulls on luke's hoodie and curls into the covers.


double update bc I love you guys

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