Tears Come First ~ Chapter 38

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Today has not been my day.... I have family problems going on and honestly I am so thankful I have writting to take my mind off things.

You should vote to help me feel better! 

Enjoy this Chapter!





Now when the bitch name Stacy says leave I take off running… Why am I such a baby, that’s right it’s because of the two angles I have surrounding me. Arabella started moving around in my arms I was afraid she was having a bad dream. Her eyes shot open with tears falling down her face. “Shh… baby your okay, mommy is here.” I tried to comfort her. She looked up at me for reassurance. “Mommy…” She took her eyes off of my face. All of a sudden Arabella jumped off of my lap and started to run. “Daddy!” Suddenly I couldn’t move as I watched her run into his open arms. How did Tyler find me?


I wanted to cry out in relief but right now I knew what I was doing was important. Here he is the one person I’m supposed to be running from to save our children and he’s making it pretty hard. I knew at this moment everything I was working to run away from could come haunt me right now. Stacy could be watching me.

I continued to watch as he hugged Arabella. Suddenly his eyes met my mine. He looked pissed but also relieved. Great now he’s going to yell at me. How am I supposed to get out of this situation? Looking at the clock I saw we could board the plane in 30 minutes. Maybe I could make a run for it by distracting him.

Arabella pulled away from Tyler and grabbed his hand, pulling him over here. Great!

“Mommy looks daddy going to go with us after all!” Arabella shrieked out in joy.

I mentally slapped myself for tell her what we were doing. “Yes Emma please do tell me why we are going somewhere?” Tyler eyebrow rose as he waited for my response.

I thought about it for a moment, what am I going to tell him? “I thought I would take the kids away for a while, with all that is going on it would be better for them.” I quickly half lied. I was taking them away which is better for them, but I never planned to come back.

“You’re lying.” He pointed out as his jaw lines tighten.

Why is he getting so mad I’m doing this for him, for our kids. “I am not!” I threw back at him with anger.

“This is such a stupid move on your part Emma, you were supposed to stay at the house and now I have you going out and running away?” The anger could be seen in his eyes as he tried to keep himself calm since Arabella was right beside him.

“No actually I am doing what I know is best for the kids.” I poked at his chest. “Also to point out I was the one who got Arabella back not the pack so look who saved the day. That would be me.” He was making me so mad; he had no idea what he was talking about.

“You think you’re doing what’s best for the kids? Taking them half way across the country? Very smart choice Emma.” He sarcastically barked at me.

I stared him dead in the eye. “I always do what is best for the kids, whether it’s the most painful decision of my life!”

“Trust me Emma this does not seem like the best decision for them! Did you even think about me at all?” He demanded through his clenched teeth.

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