Tears Come First ~ chapter 2

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Here's an update like I said...... but it is short. However I plan to put a longer update up by Sunday so look out for it. Hope you guys enjoy and Please Please Comment, Vote, Fan. I can't force you but it would mean a lot to me.....   :)

Yes I know it starts off slow but I promise it does get better!!

Turning around to take one last look at the sun that was now fading away I took a deep breath and prepared myself for what I was about to face. The walk always takes longer after school, since I’m exhausted from a hard and long day of hell.  I placed my hand on the doorknob and took my time turning it. I just couldn’t deal with Kevin right now.

I watched as the door slowly crept opened. When it stopped I stepped inside but no sounds could be heard. This scarred me more than anything, I didn’t know if Kevin was going to jump out from behind me or what he was going to do.

It was just never this quiet, and then I went to look around. To my satisfaction Kevin wasn’t home. I looked up to god and thanked him as much as I could. I then ran up to my room, hoping Kevin would find something else to do rather coming home.

Suddenly car doors could be heard all around sending my heart in over drive. Let’s just say I now know that Kevin is not alone. “Whe..re is the beauty.. thing y..ou have hi…dden for us?” One of the guys’ slurred obviously drunk off his ass.

“Now, Mike yo..u can have a tur…n but Hank wan…ted a tur..n fir..st…” Kevin laughed as his slurred words sunk in. Reacting on impulse I darted up into my room praying they would not come up her.

“Oh my precious Emma” Kevin hollered at me. He was so drunk; I never could see how he managed to drive in his state of being so intoxicated.

The sound of laughter traveled up and I could hear my name being tossed around. Frozen I could hear footsteps making their way up the stairs. I quickly grabbed my blanket from my bed and ran to my closet. I closed the door and waited hopefully they will not check for me and then leave. I heard the door to my bed room fly opened and a stampede followed.

“Hey Kevinnn…bboy where is…. she?” One of his drunken friends hollered from inside my room.

“W…hat? Are you telling me the b..itch isn’t up there?” Kevin shouted and then I could hear him come running up the stairs. Please please don’t let them find me.

“Than..ks Kevin I want..ed…. to have fun b..ut she a..in’t even h…ere.” His drunken friend exclaimed.

“The hell she aint, have you looked around any? Move!”

I could hear objects being moved around and things being thrown.

“Come out baby.” Kevin said trying to be polite.

“What’s in the..re?” His friend asked.

I felt the door knob to the closet being twisted. “You little bitch open the door or so help me I will rip the thing clear off” Kevin yelled at me.

I didn’t know what to do because this was my only safe place I had. If he took the door off I wouldn’t have anywhere to go when it’s just him here. So despite what my heart was telling me I unlocked the door.

“It’s about time.” Kevin exclaimed and grabbed me out of the closet. “Here Hank take her and have fun holler for me when you’re done.”  He chucks me at the guy now know at Hank.

Kevin walked out of the room after handing me over to him. I closed my eyes and hope for an ending soon. Before I knew it Kevin and his friends were passed out down stairs. That was the worse 5 hours of my life; I never thought it would end.

I showered as soon as I could. I scrubbed my arms until they were raw. As I stepped out of the shower I looked at the claw marks on my back from the guy know as Mike. I tried to get myself together but for tonight I decided I was going to let Tears Come First.

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