Chapter One: Speaking to her

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I glanced back at the four men who have been following me through the department store. One would think I would get used to men trying to get my attention. To keep from making eye contact, I moved around the store.

Looking for Lisa, so we can leave, I heard " Salut comment ca va." I raise my head to see the four men standing by my side. I stare at them as the same voice speaks to me again in another language. "Ni hao ma." I realized these are the same men I noticed following me around the store earlier. They were the main reason I am looking for Lisa, so we could leave.

I turned to face the man who was speaking to me. " Can you speak English?" I asked a little annoyed. " Of course I can," the man replied. " Hello, how are you?" he asked. I looked him up and down as I was beginning to answer him. Lisa came up to us with a big smile on her face.

"Well, hello," she said as she stared into one of the guy's eyes. "My name is Lisa, what's yours?" as she moved closer to the left of the guy speaking to me. "Paul," the 2nd guy spoke up, smiling as he looked Lisa up and down. Paul spoke up. " This is David, Samuel, and Michael," introducing the other three gentlemen.

The guy speaking to me name is David. I really looked at him for the first time, and I noticed he was staring into my eyes. His look was so intense that I had to look away. "Lisa," I interrupted her. " We are running late. We must be going." Looking at my watch checking the time. I just want to escape this man. There was something about him that made me uneasy.

"Of course I would love to have lunch with you," I heard Lisa say to Paul as he was releasing her hand. I turned to look at Lisa, giving her my "Are you serious !!" look. Lisa looked down at her feet, saying to Paul, " I can't have lunch with you. You are a stranger." She replied, giving me her sad puppy-dog look.

David says, " Please, why don't you bring your friend along. I would love to buy you ladies' lunch." Paul claps his hands together." What a perfect idea. What do you say, Lisa's friend?" I was very aware of the fact Paul called me Lisa's friend because I hadn't given them my name. As everyone was looking at me, I introduced myself.

Looking at Paul giving him a serious look. " Hi, my name is Neisey, but I must decline." Before I could finish speaking, David repeated my name, staring like he was looking straight through me. Enough of this, I thought as I turned, walking away, sending Lisa a glance. Tomorrow, meet you at O club 12 Noon Paul." Lisa replied as she turned to catch up with me.

Lisa caught up with me as I walked toward the car. " Come on, Neisey, wait up." she said. I stop walking and turn looking at her. " Seriously, Lisa, you do not know the first thing about those men, and I have an uneasy feeling about them." I finally expressed my thoughts. " Not everyone is a perfect 10, Neisey. We are not all born beautiful, built, and smart. Having men falling all over themselves just to get to first base with you."

" Lisa, we have discussed this too many times. You know how I feel about unwanted attention from males, even females. Not being taken seriously, you know I work my Ass off right to be at the top of my field..." "Neisey, stop, I know, and I'm sorry. Just once, I want a guy to look at me the way men look at you.

It's just lunch, girl, and you will be right there with me. Besides Neisey, you have a lot more Ass left." I pushed Lisa as we reached the car. "Besides girl, what is the worst could happen besides a nasty meal." Lisa joked.

David turned and told Samuel to bring the vehicles to the door. Samuel answered "yes Sir" as he walked to the door, reaching for his cell. Turning to Paul, David said, "Quick thinking."

Paul looked at David and asked, " Is she the one?" David didn't answer as he watched as Neisey talked with Lisa. ' Yes, she is the one' thought David waiting for the ladies to exit the parking lot.

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