Chapter Twenty-One: Escape- Phase Two

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Paul showed me to my hotel room on the floor, only two rooms down from the suite. David called Paul to let him know Neisey is asleep, so I will surprise her having breakfast with them in the morning.

Paul took my hands and led me to the sofa sitting down with him. " Lisa, I don't have the money David have and I am not part of the 1%. The best I have to offer is becoming a top general one day. I care about you very much, Lisa. I didn't come to the United States to meet anyone, but your question in the SUV has me thinking. Everything became so complicated with David and Neisey." Paul said, shaking his head.

" Come here," I said, pulling him up from the sofa and following me in the bathroom. I'm stripping my clothes off as I go anticipating Paul's wicked tongue all over my body...

I couldn't wait to surprise Neisey. I sat in the living room quietly, waiting for her to come out for breakfast. Damn this suite is beautiful, too bad it was just a prison for her. David and Paul ate and left about an hour earlier. Business is all Paul said as they left.

I heard Neisey come out of the bedroom moving slow with her head down. "What's up, Lady?" I said to her as I rushed over to her. She looked up at me and screamed, laughing with joy as I hugged her. " Told you I will be back to see my girl," hugging her even harder.

"Hey, let's eat. I love the food they cook here. After a very delicious breakfast, we sat together on the sofa and started talking. Samuel came into the suite checking to see if we needed anything. He stopped to speak to Neisey, asking her how she was feeling. Neisey thanked him and smiled as he returned to outside the suite.

Neisey, "How are you really?" I asked. She lifted her head and laughed as tears silently ran down her face. " I saw a picture of my son a couple of days ago," she said. " Oh my God, are you for real?" I laughed, screaming as she pulled out of her pocket a roll of pictures in black and white.

I grabbed it from her hands and saw 3D images. I saw his face with eyes and lips with his body in shape of a kidney bean." He is fine and healthy. David is so over the moon about him, and so is his family." she said. " Neisey, snap out of it. Do you want to get away?" I asked.

She turned her head and looked at me and just stared as if looking straight through me, saying, " David will never let me go, Lisa." I know Neisey this is why we are going to set you free. Delta team is standing by for the mission 'Free Neisey.' Are you strong enough to take your life back, Lady?" asking as I smiled.

Neisey looked at me to asked "What's the plan?"

We turned the music on surround sound, not really caring what was playing. There is just enough noise to cover our talking. We wrote down our commucations acting like it was the shopping list. Samuel came in around noon asking if we needed anything. "Pepperoni Pizza with Coor's light beer in the bottle and lemonade for Neisey." I said just to get him out of our way.

Giving off the attitude of girlfriends having fun. I was happy knowing I was going to free my friend from her obsessed African husband. Who stole her life, and I plan on giving her life back to her. We talked, planned, and giggled for the whole time we were together.

I woke up to Paul carrying me out of the suite down the hall to my room. We must have fallen asleep while we were planning. Damn I am sure glad I went into the office and shredded all the outline of our plan with bogus paperwork. Leaving only the shopping list using stores as guides to her escape route for her freedom.

I saw the old Neisey later that evening when I walked into their suite. The dress David choose Neisey was perfect for her even with her belly bump. I watched David staring at Neisey as she moved around the room. I could see the intense desiree in his eyes. At this time, I feel he truly loves Neisey, but the difference between Africans and African-Americans is like night and day.

All Neisey wants is to be treated as an equally educated woman with knowledge and accomplishments. This is how most of us are raised. Our
Opinions are valued in our culture not to be dismissed because we are females. During Slavery and Post Slavery our stolen females had to stand strong as we wanted through Hell alongside our men...

I lower my eyes as I wish David would understand caging. Neisey will only cause resentment and animosity. If he would only realize she could not stay under the conditions he was placing her in. He does not understand that it will just break her heart, mind, and spirit...

Maybe that is just what he wants.
To break Neisey down !

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