Chapter Eleven: Desire Has No Mercy

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" Thank you, John, for a lovely evening. I had a very good time with you." Neiesy said after she stepped out of John's car. John replied, " I also had a great time. Neisey, can we go out again?" I will get back with you, John," Neisey replied. " Soon right," John laughed as he pulled Neisey close to him and kissed her on her cheek.
" Soon," Neisey said as she turned and slipped her key into her lock.

She closed her door, walking to the keypad  resetting her home security system. Just as she was punching her code to secure the house. There was a knock on her door. " John, did I leave something?" Neisey said, opening her front door. Shocked, Neiesy took a couple of steps backward, allowing David just enough lead way to come inside and close the door.

" David, what are you doing here?" Neisey asked as she was backing up. David didn't say a word just advanced toward her. Neisey stopped backing up and stood her ground. " Why are you here, and how did you know where I lived?" Looking me up and down, David said," Neisey, I brought you home after the club. I learned your address from your driver's license. You didn't have on your security code. Why are you avoiding me?

We made love together, Neisey Sweet, beautiful love making between you and I. Afterward, I brought you home, bathed you, and put you to bed. I send you flowers, yet all I receive from you are thank you texts. What did I do so wrong, Neisey ? What is causing you to avoid me?" David asked, looking into Neisey's eyes. Neiesy turned towards the kitchen, asking, " David, would you like some coffee?" No, Neisey, don't you think it is getting too late for coffee. What I would like are some answers, please." David said.

" David, I feel I crossed the line having sex with you. I wasn't prepared for it to happen. I am embarrassed by my actions and believe it would be better if we don't see each other again." The change in David was immediate. He went from a calm, rational individual to a person full of rage. " What are you talking about? You played with me Neisey, do I look like a toy to you? I am a grown man, Neisey, a MAN !!!

I am African from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. I am not an American little toy-boys who play stupid games with their women. We don't play such games, so stop playing with me, Neisey. You are a grown woman who is acting like a child. I have feelings for you very strong feelings. I want you by my side, Neisey. I want you for my wife." All the while David was speaking with a controlled voice filled with anger and frustration.

Advancing toward Neisey standing a few feet away from her so he could gauge her reaction, watching and waiting for her to react. Neisey closed her eyes and shook her head, saying, " I knew it ! I knew you would overreact. David, I do not know what to say. I am honored, but I/ we need to slow this down a little. You are moving so fast. Marriage seriously, that is moving way too fast ! I am not sure what I feel for you. Yes I like you and enjoy your company but..."

Before Neisey could finish her statement, David grabbed her, forcing her physically into his arms and kissing her, throwing her back against the wall. Ripping her blouse off, pulling up her tee shirt, latching his lips on her nipples going from one to the other.
" David, stop this," Neisey yelled, struggling to stop him. " Did you FUCK HIM Neisey? Did he suck on your nipples?" Shouted David. Neisey let out a scream as she continues fighting to get free.

Slapping David's face as she fought him just enraged he more. He released her off the wall and backhanded her with such force she fell to the floor dazed. Straddling Neisey David began slapping her with brutal force across her face and body multiple times... David in a blackout rage ripping her pants and panties off.

" I will teach you to never allow another man to touch you again." David screamed dropping his pants and boxers down pulling open Neisey's legs and forced his ten inches inside her pounding her with severe force throwing her legs over his shoulders grabbing her thighs to keep her still.
" You are mine only mine." He keep shouting at her over and over as he pounded deeper inside with each word. Kissing and biting her lips, neck, chest, body, and nipples as Neisey tried with all her might to get free screaming for him to stop.

Flipping Neisey onto her stomach he kicked his pants and boxer off forcing Neisey onto her knees grabbing her neck and hair. " Who do you think you are playing with? You was mine weeks before I allowed you to meet me." talking more to himself than her.

Ramming his Zizi (penis) into Neisey continuously with severe force Neisey screamed as she passed out from the pain of it all. David forced her to stay upright as he pounded into her unconscious body without mercy. Shooting his large load of seed into her. " You belong to me ! Only to me ! You will learn never to disrespect me again..."

David had lost all sense of realty. Pulling out of her he lifted Neisey and carries her to the bedroom placing her on the bed. Going back into the hallway putting his boxers and pants back on. David gets his cellphone out of his pant and dial Paul. " Yes Sir" Paul answers.

David taking deep breaths " Call the pilot and tell him to have the plane ready in one hour. Pack three days of clothes for me and yourself." " Sir is everything alright? What is our flight plan?" Paul ask jumping up. "Washington D.C./ Maryland, and Neisey is coming along." David hung up.

He walks back into her bedroom seeing her laying on the bed with his seed mixed with blood running from between her legs. David goes to the bathroom running water into her basin to clean her. He bathe her from head to toe sticking his finger inside her to gauge how much blood was flowing out. Placing clothes on her as well as her clothes into a travel bag. David looked at the time and reached into his pocket pulling out a small bottle with dropper opening Neisey's mouth dropping two drops into her mouth.

 Please Just Stop !Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora