Beel - Protective

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A/n: Beel makes up such a good comfort character!



You gasp for air after every step you take, looking behind you frequently to see if the demons were still following you.

You were just walking the path to the House of Lamentation after staying for a few hours longer at the Academy to study in the library when you felt the presence of someone following you. Upon glancing behind you, you saw a few demon students nearing you at a rapid speed, hence why you were full-on sprinting now. The group of them had begun running as soon as you did, gaining up on you faster than you thought was possible.

They were some of your 'fellow' classmates who had a problem with you, a human, being in their class because you didn't 'belong' in the Devildom. They believed humans were filthy creatures and they despised you for it, but this was the first time they'd ever had a chance to do something about their hatred since you usually were with your boyfriend, Beelzebub.

The demons finally catch up to you and make a circle surrounding you outside the Academy, so you can't escape. Doom fills you at that moment as you regret ever asking Beel to meet you at the House of Lamentation instead of just studying at home so you could walk back with him.

You sling your backpack closer to you, trying to just squeeze your way past the angry demons in fear that perhaps speaking would only upset them even more.

"Where do you think you're going, human?" one calls out to you, grabbing your bag on your back as he throws you back into the circle to the ground, scraping your hand in the process, "We're not done with you yet."

The hungry look on their faces send shivers down your spine; there was no way you were going to let these guys eat you. You weren't going to die like this.

You heave yourself from the ground and make it seem as if you're about to surrender to the demons surrounding you.

"Good kitty now just-" he begins but you cut him off by throwing your bag with as much force as you can muster into his chest, sending him stumbling back a bit. This creates an opening in the circle that you quickly run through, trying to make your way to the House of Lamentation.

Heavy footsteps boom behind you as the group of demons gain in on you, the sound of their steps getting louder and louder the closer they get.

The House of Lamentation is now in full view, but no one is in sight, so the demons finally catch up to you and grab you again, leaving you with no choice but to scream out the only name on your mind.

"Beelzebub!" you yell, hoping your boyfriend could hear you.

The demon students around you laugh at the pitiful look on your face and climb over you ready to attack once more.

"Say goodbye, filthy human," the demon laughs as his buddies giggle beside him.

Suddenly a blast of wind surrounds you all, kicking up the dust from the streets in the process, making you all close your eyes tightly as the demon above you stammers back. The demons are momentarily stunned and everyone begins to cough along with yourself as you feel familiar gentle, calloused hands take your arm and hoist you up. You're put behind a sturdy back as the dust clears.

"Where'd the pesky human go?" one of the demon students asks as he looks around for you.

Instead of you though, they're met by the towering form of your boyfriend, Beelzebub. You had never seen him like that before--hands balled up into fists and his back tense as a vain in his neck pulsed with rage. Beel was usually very laid back and loving, but he was beyond upset at what he had witnessed.

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