Levi - Confession

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A/n: Sorry, I couldn't update for the past 10 days. This masterpiece above inspired me! Basically, Levi tryna explain his feelings.


Levi was pacing his room. He had just sent you a message, finally proclaiming his love to you. The manga he had been reading had really inspired him, and he really related to the main character.

Levi: I like you (Y/N).

But this was stupid. He made a bad decision. Why did he have to be so impulsive? He shouldn't have read that stupid manga. Why did you have to recommend it to him? No, it wasn't the manga's fault. It was his. He was the failure. He was the one that took it too far. He was the one that couldn't separate his fantasy from reality.

He tumbled into his tub with a groan and buried his face into his body pillow. Stupid, stupid, stupid he thought.

"Oh! Wait! Maybe it's not too late? Maybe they haven't seen it yet? Yeah, that's it. I'll just sneak into their room and-."

Vrrt Vrrt

His stomach lurched. That was your ringtone. He was too late. You had seen the message. And not only that you had replied.

Hesitantly he reached out for his DDD and flicked the screen on. After taking a few deep breaths, Levi slowly opened one eye and read your response.

(Y/n): Thanks!

Whatever hope had remained within him crumbled. That was not the response he was looking for. He almost wished you had just laughed at him and played it off as a joke. But no, you just thanked him with a smile.

Before he knew what was happening, tears had started streaming down his cheeks, dripping onto his DDD.

"Dammit!" he growled. He did not have time for this. Why did he have to be so emotional? That's probably something you didn't like about him, he guessed. Who would want to be around someone so sensitive and dramatic? Why would you spend time with a person that always took things personally and got defensive?

How was he ever going to face you now?

Levi rubbed at his eyes with the back of his palms, desperately trying to make the tears stop. As he struggled to regain his composure, a thought occurred to him.

"What if I just played it off? I-I'll say it was a joke. Someone else sent the message. That'll work. Yeah, that'll work," Levi had started rambling out loud, trying to psyche himself up and convince himself that his plan would indeed work and that he could save at least a scrap of his dignity. He immediately came up with something and sent to you.

Levi: Aargh! That's not what I meant! That was Belphie! He ran off with my phone!

"Yeah, that'll work. They'll never know it was me now. It'll be ok. We will just laugh it off and everything will go back to normal. We can have our game night again and watch that new anime I found. And everything will be okay. It doesn't have to change."

Vrrt Vrrt

(Y/n): I took a screenshot of it! 

Levi groaned once more and threw himself back down into his nest of blankets and pillows in his tub. This was awful. He could practically hear your laughter in his head. As he cocooned himself with his favorite Ruri-chan blanket, he closed his eyes tightly and tried to take some deep breaths.

It'll be okay. You were just being your normal self. You didn't suspect anything. He'll stay in his room for a couple of days, and when he emerges everything will be the same. You'll be the same.

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