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Cold winds wandered through the dark alleys  of a chilly winter morning. Birds still in their nests waiting to be met by the first rays of sunlight. The whole world was asleep wrapped in the frosty blanket that covered the earth.

But in the middle of all these, unaffected by the freezing cold outside, walked a figure down the alley, covered in least layers of clothes that can keep him warm. How can the cold winds outside affect him when there was a raging storm inside him.

The figure walked down the yard as he finally sat down in front of four graves...his pale skin almost matching the snow covering those stones.

He rubbed off the snow from the top of them using his bare hands as a weak smile came upon his lips

' Hello eomma...appa. Am a bit early today. I didn't feel like sleeping. Looks like my sleep is also going to leave me like my Kook. It's been already four months eomma... Four months since I've not seen my kid running around...four months since I haven't heard his giggles. I am seeing him since he was a small baby...I have held his small body in my arms...I have raised him.. I have seen his happiness..his sadness..his anger..his madness..his love..his care.. I have seen every season within him and now...now seeing him lying on that hospital bed.. looking as lifeless as ever for four continuous months, it breaks my heart. ' 

A dry chuckle left his throat ' It's my punishment right? No.. don't worry appa eomma.. I won't complain. I deserve this punishment for not taking care of my kid..  I deserve all the pain in the world but not him... He is innocent. Please stop punishing him appa.... Eommaa you have never even once scolded me ever...but eomma now am asking you, give me all the pains...all the bad things one could even imagine of..but leave my Kook...let him leave peacefully.. Don't make him suffer.. please' Jin lowered his head on to the cold surface.

Guilt and regret...two most deadly combination that can kill any person by each passing second. Jin was drowning in these emotions without having any hope to cling on to. His baby brother was still fighting for his life and he could do nothing. He was regretting for not picking up the call that day...he regretted the day he sent Jungkook off with Jisung...he regretted the way he had failed to understand Jisung. He was guilty of ruining Jungkook's life with his shitty decisions.

He don't know for how long he has been sitting there when he got a call from Namjoon

He felt his world stopping when he heard Hyung Something is happening with Kook

Jin didn't wait for him to complete as he had ended the call and was already on his way to the hospital.


Namjoon was sitting in Jungkook's hospital room, going through some company emails. He had recently taken over the company and was getting used to everything.

He was still immersed in all those mails when he heard the beeping sound from the monitor increasing. He shooted up from his place as he went near Kook. He saw him breathing hard.. gasping for breath. The nurse who was there had already left for the doctor.
Within a minute a doctor came rushing in and asked Namjoon to wait outside.

He immediately called Jin to inform him as he sat down on the bench. He hid his head in his palm. He was shaking as the image of Jungkook kept repeating in his head. He saw some other doctors rushing in.

After almost 20 minutes Jin came running in

' Joon..Wh-what is it?' Jin asked panting

'Hyung... Something is happening to Kook... He was breathing hard... I don't know why... A-am scared' Namjoon said in a low voice

Just then the doctor came out 'Jin... Namjoon.. He had an anxiety attack' the doctor said and saw them frowning. ' We almost lost him.. but he is fine now. It was due to the past events..he is still in trauma... You can meet him..but try not to ask something which will trigger him'

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