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3 months later

' You ready right?' He asked combing his hair back ' I can't believe that finally this day came' He looked at the person sitting at the edge of the bed through the mirror as he fixed his tie.... He turned around walking towards him... kneeling in front of him.. taking his hand in his own.. as he spoke up

' Namjoon ah...' He called softly stroking the back of his hand ' Are you ok?'

' Am fine Yoongi hyung... it's...just that I miss him' Namjoon said sadly

' I know Joon... even I do...' Yoongi sighed ' But today you can't be this weak...we are just a step away from giving justice to all of them'

It was finally the day of hearing of Hyunbin's case... Hobi was the attorney from their side who would be leading it... Along with Hyunbin's..The murder of Yejin Jaemin Jihyun and Jimin's mom and also the cases related to Tae and Jungkook's life was also added on to it

Namjoon just nodded giving him a tight lipped smile as he stood up 'Ill be waiting for you outside'

Hobi walked into the room just when Joon left...

Yoongi just sighed again looking at Hobi... ' Can't blame Joon...even I am missing Jin hyung and Tae' Yoongi said looking at his feet

Hobi just stood there not knowing what to say...

' Where is Jimin?' Yoongi asked

' With Kook' Hobi bit his lips

' How's he?'

' Holding up'

' I think we should go' Yoongi said to which Hobi nodded... both of them walking out

' Jimin will be there with Kook...we should leave' Namjoon said as soon as he saw them both coming out


Two cars stopped by simultaneously in front of the court... Yoongi Hobi and Namjoon got out of their own.... as Jimin came out from the second one followed by Jungkook...

Media started swarming them as the security guards rushed forward taking them inside...

Jungkook's panick attack started kicking in but Yoongi and Jimin were quick to hold his hand...

' Take deep breaths..we are here Kook' Yoongi said..his grip getting tighter...

They were still standing on the stairs leading inside when Namjoon and Hobi came to them after handling the media

' We should go in' Namjoon sighed as he looked at Jungkook...the younger looked so weak...he hand big dark circles under his eyes and his hair was all disheveled

Namjoon raised his hand...his fingers combing aside Jungkook's hair properly 'You should take care of yourself Jungkook.... What will your Jin hyung and Tae feel when they will see you like this'

Jungkook swatted away Namjoon's hand..as tears brimmed his eyes ' You talk as if they are here with us'

Namjoon felt his heart break hearing that...he opened his mouth to say something when they heard the loud blaring of horns...

All of them looked around to see a speeding black car coming to a sudden stop at the bottom of the flight of stairs...where the reporters were starting to gather around again

Jungkook forgot everything and started running down the stairs when he saw the very familiar mop of raven hair getting out of it

' Jungkook careful' Jimin ran behind the younger followed by the rest of them..

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