Chapter 51

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*WARNING: Please be advised that this chapter contains mature content and strong language.*

Chapter 51
Quinn's POV

Daryl and I quickly broke apart as we heard a shuffle in the trees. We both held up our weapons and waited for something to come out. I could've sworn I saw a shadow.

"It was nothin'," Daryl said quietly as he grabbed my hand and hoisted me up.


Daryl and I emerged from the bright woods the next morning to guns pointed at us.

He held out the squirrels and his crossbow. "We surrender."

Rick sighed, but continued walking and we fell in step with them. I held back near Michonne while Daryl stayed up with Rick.

"You two alright?" she asked quietly.

I nodded. "Just fine. I told him."

She nodded slightly, keeping her gaze on the ground.

"I'm sorry for yesterday. I was just worked up about everything."

"I figured," she said as she lifted her eyes up to meet mine. "I'm sure—"

"Help!" a voice cried. "Somebody help!"

Rick held up a hand, but Carl urged him to go. We ran through the woods and came out to see a man in a black dress suit on a rock with about five walkers reaching for his ankles. I tucked my gun away as we came out further. I unsheathed my knife and embedded it into one of the skulls.

"Everybody, keep watch," Rick ordered after all the walkers were taken down.

The man got off of the large rock and swayed back and forth.

"You okay?" I asked.

He held up a finger and doubled over, letting all the contents from his stomach come up.
"Sorry," he said. "Yes, thank you. I'm Gabriel."

"Do you have any weapons on you?" Rick asked immediately.

Gabriel laughed lightly. "Do I look like I'd have any weapons?"

"We don't give two short and curlies what it looks like," Abraham snapped.

"I have no weapons of any kind," Gabriel finally said. "The word of God is the only protection I need."

"Sure didn't look like it," Daryl said lowly from behind me.

His fingers were entangled with mine. His hands were warm and sticky with sweat.

"I called for help, help came." He smiled slightly as he scanned the group. "Do you have any food? Whatever I had left just hit the ground."

"Here, we have some pecans," Carl said as he held out his hand.

"Thank you," Gabriel said quietly. Judith cooed in Tyreese's arms. "That's a beautiful child. Do you have a camp?"

"No. Do you?" Rick asked in a daring tone.

"I have a church."

"Hold your hands above your head," Rick said suddenly. Gabriel did so and Rick patted him down. "How many walkers have you killed?"

"Not any, actually."

"Turn around," Rick said as he pushed Gabriel. He patted down his back. "How many people have you killed?"


"Why?" Rick finished.

"Because the Lord abhors violence."

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