Chapter 53

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*WARNING: Please be advised that this chapter contains mature content and strong language.*

Chapter 53
Quinn's POV

Bob had passed away and I helped Sasha make a cross for him while we listened to Abraham say his farewells to the group. He, Maggie, Glenn, Eugene, Tara, and Rosita would be heading to DC. I was going to miss Maggie and Glenn. I can't believe they're leaving us. I stood from the ground and wiped my hands on my jeans before walking over and giving Maggie a hug.

"Stay safe," I said quietly.

"You, too," she replied as she squeezed my shoulders.

I pulled back and wrapped my arms around Glenn next. They got onto the bus and I watched as they drove off down the dirt road. I leaned over Rick's shoulder as he opened the map with their route to Washington.


I smiled slightly before walking over to the side of the church and sliding down the wall. I twiddled an arrow in my fingers as I thought about Daryl.

It's the not knowing that's killing me. What if he's dead? What if he never comes back? Did he intentionally never come back? What if someone took them captive? How would I live with myself if I never tried to find them? I should go; bring him and Carol back.

I would leave tonight.


I sat on the church steps looking into the darkness, my Ak-47 at my side. I was waiting for the others to go to bed so I could leave. I needed to find Daryl and Carol, and I needed to do it before something happened to them. I heard the door creak from behind me, making me jump slightly. I looked behind me to see Gabriel standing there.

"Can't sleep," he said as he sat down next to me, "and now I'm sitting out here in the quiet. It isn't just what happened last night. Saying what happened before out loud, I see it all again. I hear them."

"Yeah." I stared out into the woods. "That won't stop, but it won't be all the time."

Bushes rustled from inside the trees and I stood, unsheathing my knife. Gabriel, of course, went back inside while I made my way over to the woods. With the moon being my only light, it was hard to make out what was lurking in the trees. I saw a shadow coming closer to me and I gripped my knife tighter. Then, my heart stopped. I felt tingles go up my spine and run all through my body.


Before I could look at him in the full light, his arms were wrapped around me. I smiled into the crook of his neck, a few tears sliding down my cheeks. He pulled back and I brought my lips to meet his. I couldn't pull the smile off my face, but something caught my attention.

"Where's Carol?"

Daryl's expression went blank as he slowly turned around. "C'mon out."


Everybody made different parts to guard the church with. Tyreese pulled some metal things out of the wall while Sasha chopped up wood. Daryl picked up some metal poles and I picked up the rest, carrying them outside near Gabriel.

"Are you gonna take the cross, too?" he asked.

I couldn't tell if he was actually asking or being sarcastic.

"If we need it," Daryl said before slamming a metal pole into the ground.

I did the same. Daryl had informed us that Beth was taken from him and he found out it was to a hospital that our new member, Noah, was a part of. Carol was hit by a car and they took her in, too.

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