Night 4

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Who lives in a pineapple under the sea!
SpongeBob SquarePants!!!

Your POV

"Ag- what in the billy" I squeal.

I stopped in my tracks after tripping over a large crack in the sidewalk right in the parking lot of the pizzeria.

I... I can't even with myself.

I start to walk again this time lifting my knees to a ridiculously high height just because I tripped.

Yeah, maybe if I pick my darn feet up next time maybe I won't trip, hm?

I sigh at myself, why, why am I like this sometimes, then move on looking across the parking lot.

It's empty, as I would prefer it to be ever since that... Guy, if I can call him that.

But, this time it honestly, kinda, sorta shouldn't be...

I go up to the doors of the restaurant and stop, pulling the keys off their usual place, my hip, and unlocking the door.

I pull open the door, taking the keys out only after I lock them.

I dunno how that man got in here the first time but let's hope that he never gets in again.

Besides, the repairman that was supposed to be here should have his keys of his own.

I close the door and walk past the reception, and through the tables only pausing to wave at Bonnie, Chica, and now Freddy.

Still felt a little odd to add him to the mix of greetings.

"Hi guys, are we having another great evening?" I jokingly ask.

Of course, I know they can't answer me at the moment but it doesn't mean they can't give me a slight reaction.

I saw chica roll her violet eyes out of the corner of mine.

I snicker, I should say corny things near her more often.

"... I should probably get this started," I mumble, eyeing Foxy's Pirate Cove.

Turning away, I slowly walk over to the purple curtains.

Now, about the repairman I mentioned earlier, he had called me after I had dinner with lilac saying something about the boss thinking about putting the Fox animatronic back on stage.

Of course, the kids wouldn't be able to get anywhere near him but I was told it was either that or scrap him completely.

Surprisingly, the boss left it to my decision also telling me that if I can manage to fix him and monitoring him to check if can completely be of use.

Obviously, I said yes, he was verbally surprised might I add, because knowing that Chica, Bonnie, and Freddy have a consciousness it wouldn't be hard to believe that Foxy does too.

After all, I heard him whistling once or twice and I think I saw him once. I couldn't live with myself by allowing them to 'scrap' him especially knowing that could mean death for him.

I got here around 20 minutes earlier to give myself time to at least work on him a little.

I stop in front of the curtains and grab them, deciding to let my presence be known before actually going in.

I inhale a breath, trying to calm myself a little, "Foxy..." I paused waiting for something to happen before continuing.

"I know you and I don't know each other but I was wondering if you would mind if I came inside...?" I ask shyly.

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