6th time the charm (slight edit)

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(A/N) I'm in so many fandom rn so I've been thinking about making this one, I hope you enjoy 😉) (extra, I know this chapter is kinda bad but stick with me, the writing gets better)

Your POV

"Ughhh!!! This is the fifth time I've gotten rejected from a job!!!" I groaned out flopping on my couch.

I am this close to throwing in the towel.

Currently, I was in my new apartment that my parents were temporarily paying for after only for the first three months so I can get myself on my feet.

"Why is the world of jobs so cruel to newcomers!!!" I whined.

I mean this may be just me but you would too if you spend almost the first month and a half trying to get a job.

"You're exaggerating." My best and only friend Lilac had said in a monotone voice, she doesn't express much feeling (opposite from me) but since we've been friends for so long I can usually tell how she's feeling without her explain.

"That's easy for you to say! You don't have to deal with having random people say 'sorry, you suck 'cause you have no experience in working so get out.' In your face!" I complained in a mocking tone

"I never heard them say that." She says while raising an eyebrow to herself, quietly flipping a page in her book.

"They think it, I know they are..." I mutter while turning on the tv.

If only I could just distract myself from the possibility of me ending up on the streets out of stubbornness of not going back to my parents with TV shows.

You may or may not be thinking "Hey, get over yourself. If you don't want to live with your parents live with your best friend" Well no so fast Mr. I-can-solve-it-all-with-sarcasm, I can't do that.

As much as I don't want to say this, her family isn't the best place financially, they barely have enough to feed Lilac let alone her other siblings.

And on top of it all, they aren't the fittest parents to Lilac.

I wanted to live with her so I can help her with her bills but her job barely pays enough to buy food and, if you noticed, I don't have one to help with that.

Man... what did I do to Lady Luck to make her mad and her I thought I was good to her.

~ • ~ • ~

I slowly sigh watching as the screen in front of me flashes between advertisements and my (f/m)(favorite movie) from time to time.

Thoughts of our money and my job situation flying in and out of my head. All I need is a simple, safe, no experience needed job...

"DO YOU NEED A SIMPLE, SAFE, AND NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED JOB?!?!?" I hear blaring from the tv snapping out my thoughts.

What the heck maybe Lady luck did like me... Or maybe she just liked the convenience...

Me being slightly confused I answered back almost completely forgetting that the voice was from a tv."Y-yes..?"

"DO YOU NEED MONEY?!?!?" The voice shouts back making me almost tempted to turn down the volume.

"Yeah!" I started to feel like this voice was leading up to something good, his energy was is raising my spirits.


"Heck yeah!!!" I swear my eyes wouldn't have been literal dollars signs if this was a cartoon!

Yes, I know... It isn't that much but at least I can get groceries without worrying!

I can finally help payout, yes! Thank you loud tv commercial!


I could've sworn I was the Flash by how lightning fast I snatched my phone from the table next to me and punched in the numbers.

By the time the phone rang, I realized that my arm sorta went numb by how fast I just did all that.

By the third ring, I heard a hello said by a very nervous voice that had picked up the phone.

Let's do this, be charming!

"Hello, I've called for the security guard job. Is it still open!" I ask politely but excitedly.

The same nervous voice responds with a yes, "did you want it."

"Absolutely!!!" I exclaimed a little too loud. "Sorry, loud"

After that, he asked me a series of questions which I answered wholeheartedly though some were quite weird.

For example, in the end, he told me I couldn't quit till after 14 days. Which I thought was weird but I shrugged it off with a 'To each their own.'

I wasn't the owner and had no right in judging anyway's.

But it didn't as long I was able to help give Lilac a happier life as well as support her with those stupid bills.

I couldn't imagine where I'd be without her after all!

Anywho, he even said that since today's a Friday I can visit tomorrow on Saturday for the tour then start on Monday!

I get Sundays and Saturdays off haha!

He also explained that my job was basically to watch some entertainment robots to make sure nobody tampers or steals them.

I don't exactly know who would do that but then I remembered teenagers and their will to be cool from everyone else but themselves

Being as happy as I was I admittedly did a little happy dance right in the middle of my living room.

After that, he hung up. It was strange but I chill down my spine... I shivered of course but I thought it was a little random.

I mean, how weird... it's not even cold.

Anyways, I ran upstairs to go to sleep.

Jumping in the sheets and turning my lamp off completely forgetting the TV. I was still a little too excited to go to sleep but not enough not to knock out after thirty minutes

I'm just so happy, maybe Lady Luck is on my side!!! After all, isn't there a saying of 6th time the charm?

(A/N) heh, did you see what I did there... at the end!)

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