Chapter 14 : In Deep Shit

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Jay's point of view

I was in the shower when I heard Mike screaming his lungs out.That boy had issues.Ever since Kayla left for France,it had seemed to rear his ugly side.He seemed like your normal bubbly young child but I knew something was up.
I rinsed my hair and towelled myself dry.What was his deal?
Mum was out with her friends today and Dad was at work,workaholic as he was.

I went downstairs after my shower to meet a now calm Mike stirring a bowl of breakfast cereal at seven in the evening.
Don't even ask me why.

I noticed Camilla trying to reach something from one of the top shelves as Mike busied himself making a mess of the cereal.
No wonder she didn't want him to have it.
I wondered what Camilla was trying to reach as I walked nearer.She felt my presence and on having clarified it was me from the corner of her eye her body visibly relaxed.I reached out for the top shelf and felt something hard and solid. It was Mike's toy train.I guess he'd thrown it there during his tantrum.
My hands brushed over Camilla's lightly as she turned around to face me fully. I caught a whiff of her floral misty fragrance as she looked up at me startled.
Men!She smelled wonderful.
She didn't smell like the intoxicating perfume Jessica always wore which created this sick feeling at the pit of my tummy.
She actually looked cute and harmless as I studied her features.Her strawberry blonde hair waved to her shoulders and it was tucked behind her right ear showing a diamond stud earring .
She looked wonderful.I gazed at her as she looked back up at me almost as if she was in a trance.
I looked down at her demure lips and swallowed hard.I didn't know what was actually driving me to do react that way but it was so magnetic. I reached for her face as she tried lowering her gaze.Our lips brushed lightly as she gently pushed me away.


She moved out of my arms and walked over to her purse from which she retrieved her phone.It had been blaring for the past two minutes.Jeez who could that be.

"Hello Chad." She said into the mouthpiece moving away from Mike and I .

I honestly wasn't surprised.

I threw myself on the chair next to Mike.Why was Camilla so difficult.
I liked her, yes.A fucking whole lot but did she give an effing care?She treated me like each and every other boy.
She didn't even seem excited when I kissed her on stage the last time.I knew it was every other girl's dream but she didn't even seem to care.
She didn't now how bad I've always wanted to kiss her and the numerous times I had to control myself in such situations.
When Mr Manhart told me to confess my feelings for her I was at a loss for words.If I had spoken I would have revealed the truth and its aftermath wouldn't have been good.
I was actually shocked when she hesitated when I tried kissing her just now.I wish I could do so without her hesitating.
The other day she'd asked me if her height was the only thing I noticed.I nearly told her of not only how I realised her height change but also,how the world seemed to stop when my eyes got locked in her gaze,how much her smile made me happy,how she was like the only thing I could think about after I retuned from basketball practice all tired,how her sweet,calm and composed aura made me want to be a better version of myself and also the warm fuzzy feeling I got we touched.
"Jake!" Mike called.

"Huh!" I said snapping out of my reverie.

"You didn't kiss,did you?" He asked looking up at me from his cereal wasting.

"Nope.Not yet."

"Why didn't you? She was right there." He reasoned.

"You don't understand Pet.She doesn't really care."

"But she does.She really does."He stressed.

" Did she tell you that?"I asked with renewed interest.

"No" He answered as my facial expression dropped.

"Then why did you say so?" I queried.

"Because she asks if I've met some Janice or Jess girl and if there's been girls coming over." He replied.

A smile took over my features as I looked up at him.I never knew me being with Jessica disturbed her.
If being with Jessica really got on Camilla's nerve's I should try
something to see her expression myself.

"Thanks Mike." I said rubbing his hair.

"But do keep off her laps." I warned.

Yes,Mike was only eight but I sometimes didn't like the way he wrapped his legs around her and got free hugs and kisses from her which I never got.

My gaze fell on Camilla as she finally appeared with her cellphone, a smile plastered on her face.What had Chad told her?

She handed me a fork and took Mike's cereal bowl away.After cleaning him up,she settled in the chair nearest to Mike.
She picked up a spoon and scooped some mashed potatoes in Mike's mouth.He munched on it happily.
I winked at Mike and he immediately understood my signal.

"Milly" He called as she turned to him with a smile.

Dang!She never smiled at me that way.

"Can you feed Jake?I want to eat on my own." He said.She was visibly taken aback by his request.She raised furrowed her brow and looked at  him ceremoniously.

"Why should I do that Mike?" She asked looking at him suspiciously with a smile.

"Paper cut."I mouthed to Mike.

" Cause he's got a paper cut and I wouldn't want him to suffer."He whined in a baby voice.

Wow!That boy was good.

"Are you hurt?" She asked taking my hands and starting to examine it.

"It's nothing I can't manage." I said withdrawing my hand before she found out what I was up to.
She took my fork from my hands and started feeding me.
She looked so calm doing it that I felt lost staring at her.She noticed it and a light pink color found its way on her cheeks.
Then I decided to drop the bombshell.

"Me kissing you last week really worked Jessica up didn't it?" I said.
She sad nothing but only shoved more than the required amount
of potatoes into my mouth.

"You know,she actually thought that you were trying to steal me away from her."I continued.

" Um..."She nodded,her voice betraying her by giving a little quiver.

"But you know,having Jessica in my life is actually the best thing that has happened to me in ages." I added.

She looked at me her face blank of any emotions. She turned her face away and when she finally looked back up at me her eyes looked teary.
As much as I hated seeing that look of disappointment and pain in her eyes I smiled.You could say she was jealous.

"Jessica is a really great girl.I don't know why she actually thought I would want you or something."I said carefully threading on my words.

With this,she dropped the fork and dumped the plate in the sink.She tidied up the table and helped Mike out of his seat to the bathroom for his bath.

As soon as she left I wondered if I had said too much.It was all a lie_ Everything statement that I purposely made to hurt her today.
I knew I felt nothing when I kissed Jessica.It only left a sour taste in my mouth.
I did feel bad for using Jessica but in my defense she was too clingy to easily get rid off.
Plus,I needed someone to repel all the other girls off.
I hoped if Camilla liked me I truly hadn't hurt her that bad.I couldn't stand seeing her in pain.

"Mike's asleep now.I've got to get home." She announced, not once bothering to look at me.

"Camilla I'm sorry I didn't ......" It was too late.She had walked out on me already.

"Fuck!" I cursed kicking my chair out of the way.I didn't realise that I had badly hurt my toe in the process.

I did feel like going after Camilla but I couldn't leave Mike at home alone.
I passed my hand through my hair in anguish .She would never forgive me.I called her phone a few times but it was powered off.
I was in deep shit.

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