Chapter 40: Gangwon-Do

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Author's POV


Time ticks to 09 AM, Namjoon finally woke with a smile on his face remembering last night's scene and you holding his hand before the two of you fell asleep. But that smile didn't last long the moment he open his eyes only to be met by the sight of the empty side of his bed where you lied on last night.

His eyes then wander around his room, searching. But there's no sight of you.

Where did she go? He thought as he get up from his bed, doing a little muscle stretching before he looked at the bathroom's direction. You're surely not there because the wide open door and the silence inside tells it obviously.

Where are you?

"Y/N?" He calls out, but hear nothing in return and just as when he's about to leave his room his eyes landed on the sticky note that you left on the table. His brows set on frown a little bit as he eyed it curiously. Walking near to it until he picks it up...

"Sorry, I left without a proper goodbye. Gotta go somewhere important today, but I made you guys breakfast and chicken soup though. It's already well serve at the kitchen. Hope y'all will like it.  -Y/N ❤"

His stare on your note especially on the heart at the end of your name last for five seconds before a smile set spread on his face. Admiring how thoughtful you are. But where are you going though? You didn't tell him. Before he could reach his phone on the night stand to call you, a faint sound of a knock on the door stops him.

"Come in." He lightly yell and the person who knocked on his door soon came in. No other than  his cousin Kim Seokjin, already dressed in his professional attire, looking too handsome for a doctor and obviously in a rush to go to work. "Good morning." Namjoon simply greets him while placing back the sticky note on his nightstand.

"Morning. I got an important meeting with the supervisor today. Tell Yoongi he'll be in charge with cooking breakfast today. Have to go now. Bye." Jin blurted out, not knowing the fact that you sleep over at their place and even cooked breakfast for them before you left. Namjoon opens his mouth to speak but the older was too fast to left the room. Leaving Namjoon their scratching his head.

"Didn't he see the breakfast at the kitchen?" He wonder. The hyung must have been so in a hurry that he even forgot to check his beloved kitchen. Going there, the place is well cleaned and neat.

The cleanliness screams your name and the most important part there is the food you cooked for them that is well served there on the table.

A heavy breakfast type. Fried rice, a Philippine type of food which you called Adobo chicken and a chicken soup. A food that is foreign to Namjoon. Growing curious about the taste, he took a spoon of the chicken adobo to his mouth, tasting it for the first time and his eyes sparks with amusement.

It definitely taste delicious just how the way you described it to them last time. Too bad Jin couldn't get the chance to taste it today knowing the two big eater Yoongi and Hoseok would probably eat it all.

The fact that you cooked for them today made Namjoon smile non-stop. He found it sweet. Getting his phone, he opens his camera and took a perfect snap of him with the food, sending it to you after.


Fixing the red scarf on your neck, you check your appearance through the font camera of your phone. You don't look bad in your black sweater. But why does the old lady sitting across you is looking at you in a judgemental way? You thought and internally sigh, choosing to just ignore it. Toxic people. Tsk. You lazily roll your eyes away, not minding her reaction on that.

(A/n: Does anyone can relate to this?)

You just focus your eyes on the beautiful view of Gangwon-Do. You are on the train right now. You have promise your cousin that you are going to visit him today.

Finally arriving at the terminal, your phone vibrates just on time you get off from the train and sat on the nearest waiting shed. "What now?" You mumble as you open the message without reading the name of the person who just sent you a message, and there you were surprised by the photo of the food you cooked for the boys. What caught your eyes more is the man who took the picture of it. He's smiling perfectly in the picture, flexing those illegal dimples. His hair is slightly messy from sleeping but still managed to look hot--wait a minute, what were you thinking?! You mentally scolded yourself as you suddenly felt awkward to no one.

You feel guilty and just as when you are about to put your phone back inside your bag, Namjoon sends you another message that causes you to instantly blush.

"You surprised me. Thanks, I fell in love with them. The guys will love it ;)"

He what?!

Okay. It's the food he's referring to, not you, Y/N! So calm your ass down. You heard your inner self scold. Why the hell are you acting this way today? Your thoughts were soon got interrupted by your phone ringing up. Your eyes almost jump out of its socket seeing his name popping on your phone screen.

Damn, this guy won't let you breath. "What do you want?" you coldly answered only to get a chuckle from him in return. You have to sound like he doesn't have any effect on you.

"Already having a bad day? Where are you?" He asks and the corner of your lips lift up in amusement. He sound so eager to know your whereabouts. 

"I don't know. Somewhere far from you?" You shrug, still trying to sound unaffected. But who are you kidding? Your words keep him going on teasing you instead.

"Oh yeah? Careful, love. You'll gonna miss me." He slightly whispered the last sentence, enough for you to still heard it and that made you gulp the sudden lump forming in your throat. You what?! This guy is such a tease.

What's with him being flirty like this ever since yesterday?

Staying in Gangwon-Do for a week, you hate to admit it but're going to miss your friends. Including him. But of course, you'll gonna keep that to yourself. "Keep dreaming." Wrong words.

"If you only know my dreams, Y/N."

"Joon!" You gasp out of embarrassment. you're not ready to hear something like that. Namjoon's laugh blasted on your phone's speaker while you're looking around to see if anyone's looking at you and good thing...there's no one.

"Chill, love. Just kidding. Anyway, I have to go now. Call you later?" He asks sweetly and you couldn't help not to become speechless for a minute. There's something at the way he talks to you that made feel something tingling in your stomach. Especially that pet name 'Love'. He must stop calling you that.

"Y-yeah. Me too. Gotta go now." you bit your bottom lip for stuttering a bit  and that's your last word before you end the call. Pressing a hand on your heart, damn it's beating fast.


A/n: Yup, I'm still alive! Sorry for the long wait. Hope y'all like this new chap. Don't forget to vote or leave your comments. I love reading them.

Have a nice day, everyone! Love lots and keep safe.

Peace out!


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