Chapter 42: Sweet Y/N

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Author's POV


"Morning sleepyhead!"

The words you exclaim the moment his sleepy state welcomes you after he opened the door. The guy was wearing a simple nightwear. White shirt and sweatpants. His hair was messy and you almost thought it's a bird nest not until he ran a hand there to fix it. The confusion was evident on his face, because who wouldn't? Who would have guest early in the morning. It's 6:34 AM in the morning. He wasn't expecting you to visit him at this hour after your unexpected late night outs together at the beach. He admit, you surprised him.

You're there, standing infront of the maindoor, looking like a human sunshine with a clear and bright face, carrying a paper bag with you.

Despite of his confusion, his lips curve up into a smile seeing your face. "Y/N. Come in." He step aside as he invite you in and you get inside, taking off your shoes and put it on the shoe rack, leaving you only on your socks.

"I bought some breads." You tell him as you head towards their kitchen, placing it there. He came to the kitchen as he take a look at one of the breads you just fished out.

"Fantastic. You're the best." He smile, giving you thumbs up as he goes to the fridge, taking out two bottles of iced coffee, handing one over to you and you take it gladly from his hand, muttering a little 'thanks' to him.

You then lean on the counter, playfully narrowing your eyes at him as you took a sip of your iced coffee as if like it's a wine. "Of course I am." You proclaimed and he chuckles as he just amusedly looked at you.

This girl. He thought, fighting back a lip bite.

"So, what brings you here?"

"Just checking up on you." You shrug and this time, it's him who narrows his eyes. "Why? Am I not allowed to see my friend?" You added.

"Are you sure?" He crossed his arms and the face he gave you made you sigh in defeat.

"Fine. Seokjin oppa asked me to look after you while he's away." You tell and his face twist into a scowl. He what?

"What? What am I? A kid?"

"No, but you're more clumsy than a kid." He gasp at your blunt comment. "Oh, sorry." You apologize right away seeing his reaction but not without giving him a teasing grin which he immediately respond with a huff.

"Well I cannot disagree with that." He sigh. "But really, I don't know what came into Jin hyung's mind for asking you that kind of favor."

"I think I know why." You mumble, audible enough for him to hear since it's only the two of you in the house. You're looking at something else when you said that and when he try to follow where your eyes at, he just wanted to facepalm himself.

You're looking at the slight messy view of their living room. You gotta be kidding him. He thought.

"Yah! I wasn't able to clean up last night because I'm too tired." He reason out and you just respond it with a shrug.

"Yeah yeah." You wave off before you suggest something. "I can help."

His face go blank after hearing that from you and you see how he looks at you through his narrowed eyes, giving you a suspecting gaze. Well, why is he doing that?

"You..." he trailed off, laughing a bit as he tries to say something but couldn't pinpoint it.

"What?" You asked cluelessly, chewing on your bread.

"You're being too nice with me. It's suspicious." He says and you gulp a bit at that. Are you that obvious? You thought your acting just look natural. But you forgot that Namjoon here is an observable type of person.

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