Chapter 04:Phobia

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Author’s POV

“No, this can’t be happening.” he mutters shaking his head as he tries to open the door but failed. “Is anyone out there?! Open the door, we’re locked!” he yell out banging his hands on the door creating a noise hoping that someone would hear it and come to open up the door.

He yelled out for help for how many times but still no one hears it. “Shit.” He cursed under his breath leaning his head on the door for a few seconds before leaning back and turned to you with a blaming face sighing due to frustration.

You could only see each other’s silhouettes because of the light that came from the hole of the broken tinted glass window that’s from the upper parts of the wall near the ceiling.

“No, move away. I’ll try again.” You say between your hitching breaths as you're starting to get trouble in breathing, chest tightening and felt yourself getting lightheaded.

You hate it. You hate how you feel the symptoms of your phobia, your biggest weakness which is Nyctophobia or the fear of darkness.

You pushed him away trying to open the door once again hoping to get yourself out of the darkness as soon as possible before your phobia fully attacks you but still fails to open the door.

“Stop it, it’s no use.” Namjoon mutters feeling annoyed by the sound of your hands banging on the door but you just ignore his words and keep doing your business on the door “You can’t open the door, it’s locked.” He almost yelled at you and you ignore him once  again. “I said stop it!” he pulled you away from the door by grabbing your wrist and right at that moment your stomach starts to feel upset as your sweat also starts to form and felt a sudden cold flashes in you, making you feel scared.

“L-Let go of me,” you breathe out struggling to catch your breath, you clutched your chest as you felt it getting more tight and starting to ache like it has been pierced by a knife.

Namjoon looks at you confusingly as he noticed your sudden change of behaviour “I said let m—ah!” a yelp escaped from you as you felt your chest getting more painful that made you hold on to his forearm for support when your legs' starting to get weak.

Seeing you in a state like that made Namjoon frowns in concern and holds your other arm to support you well from standing.

“Hey, what’s wrong with you?” he asks as his face softens seeing you seem having a problem with breathing and lifted up your face so you can look at him only to be met by your tears glistening in your eyes and your cheeks “Hey, tell me what’s wrong? Why are you acting like that? Don’t scare me.” he says sound more worried and observing you as the same time to see if you're just acting up to scared him or not, you open your mouth to speak but your voice won’t come out, you grope your pocket as you look for your inhaler but it’s not there and it hits you, you forgot to bring your inhaler with you.

“I can’t breathe…” you managed to force out and Namjoon’s eyes widen at your words.

“What?! Why? You have an Asthma attack? Do you have an inhaler with you?” he asks in panic then looked around the dark room and saw your bag on the floor that’s been dropped when he dragged you inside, he pull you along with him towards your bag and starts to look through it seeing if you have an inhaler or not.

Unfortunately, he found nothing.

“Shit!” he cursed and his head snapped to your direction when he heard you yelped again in pain, your legs give up on you, making your body land to the floor but Namjoon quickly held you on your waist.

“Light…Please, I need light…” you weakly say and realization hits him, he finally understands now what’s happening to you, you’re having a phobia attack.

“Y-you have a Nyctophobia?” he mumbles stammering at his words and immediately pulled out his phone to turn on his flashlight but his phone shut down running out of battery. “damn, why this time?” He mutters and mentally slapped his self for not charging it before he left the house.

Following the light from the small hole that came from the window, an idea popped in his mind and he carefully settled you on the floor and leaned your body to the wall facing you towards the window before finding something hard material and threw it to the window, fully breaking the tinted glass to let the sunlight in to the room.

“I made it, are you okay now—“ his words cut off the moment he turned his head and saw you already passed out on your spot, his eyes widen again and ran to you, crouching down to your level “Hey, hey, wake up!” he lightly slapped your face to wake you up but you didn’t.

He gasp in fear thinking that you died from a phobia attack, he quickly reach out for your wrist checking your pulse there.

He let out a big sigh of relief when he felt your pulse still working.

Sitting next to you leaning his head on the wall, closing his eyes and taking a breath to calm himself while thinking of what he have done to you. He regret it.

The day he kissed you, he regret it. Today he hurt you and almost killed you, he regret it.

His conscience hit him like a truck; he looked to his side to see your face. Staring at it, he noticed that you look prettier without the thick eyeglasses, his eyes travel up to your now messed hair that he pulled during the fight that made him mentally facepalmed himself realizing how harsh he was to you, the first girl he had fought with.

He never pick a fight with a girl before, not even once. It’s just that you’re the only girl who’s not scared of him, talk back to him, slapped him, embarrassed him in front of his friends that made him angry and lose his sanity as you stepped on his pride.

As much as he hates you he admit to himself that he’s impressed at your braveness even though you know that you’re no match with him when it comes to strength, you know you’re too weak to fight him but still you did.

He reach out his hand to your now broken hair tie that’s still hanging on your hair and remove it causing your brown smooth hair fall down to your chest level naturally just like in those shampoo commercial on TV which seems like slow motion for Namjoon.

She’s pretty. She could be the Campus Queen if she’ll join the Campus Queen Contest in Bangtan University.

Namjoon thought but shrugs off his thoughts away before he scoot closer to you. What was he thinking? he mentally slap himself for having a weird thought.

He carefully made your head lean to his shoulder so you won’t get a stiff neck when you wake up.


A/n: Kindly leave your votes or maybe thoughts.😘


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