Chapter 3- Almost Perfect

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*Author Note- TRIGGER WARNING! This chapter contains adult content such as sexual content and a flashback of non-consensual sex. Read at your own risk.*


"So, what time did Namjoon say he'd pick you up?" Emmie asked me as she curled a section of my hair.

"He'll be here at eight," I said, nervously fidgeting with my hands. I looked at Emmie's reflection in the mirror and she smiled at me before releasing a long warm curl down my back.

"Aera, you have to try and relax," she said. "Tonight is going to be fun, I promise. Knowing Namjoon this date will be one of the most romantic nights of your life. Just breathe."

I grinned at her before I blew a deep breathe out through my lips. "I know it will. It's just that this will be my first date since...well you know," I said to her and she nodded in understanding. "I just want it to go well. I like him so much."

"I know, sweetie, and he definitely likes you. I don't know how much he's really told you about his dating past but he's actually a pretty private and reserved guy so if he wants to take you out on a date it's already looking pretty good to me," she said.

"I hope you're right," I told her. "God I'm so nervous. I wish I calm myself down before he gets here."

"I know I am and Sunni agrees with me, right?" Emmie asked, looking at my cell phone.

Sunni's face split into a wide grin as she looked at me from our video chat, saying, "Oh absolutely. You two are going to have such a great time." When Namjoon brought me back home I immediately called Emmie and Sunni as soon as I got inside and told them about my date. After they both got over their excitement for me, Emmie told me she was racing right over to help me get ready. Sunni wanted to come but since she was only a week from her due date I told her that she should stay home and rest while she could. She agreed but only if we could video chat so she could help pick out what I'd wear.

"I'm sorry I'm acting so girly and shy. I mean god, I'm twenty-nine years old. I shouldn't feel so nervous about a first date. I should feel confident and sexy like most women do," I confessed.

"Well you're not most women," Emmie said, placing a hand in my shoulder. "Everything that's happened to you in the last year has been a new experience for you. You're just catching up to your life, that's all."

"Emmie's right," Sunni said. "None of the experiences you've had in your love life so far are in any way normal. You're just feeling the normal butterflies you should feel when you're going out with a great guy. Just try to relax and enjoy it."

"I'm trying," I answered. "I'm definitely ready to start moving forward with my love life again. I just hope I'm not too emotionally stunted for him. I'm afraid he'll get impatient with me if it doesn't come easy at first."

"Oh Aera," Emmie said, placing the curling iron down on the thermal pad on the vanity. She knelt in front of me and said, "You know as well as I do what an incredibly patient and caring man Namjoon is. He even told you he waited and kept his feelings in so you wouldn't feel pressured. Sweetie you're safe with him and you know he's not going anywhere."

I smiled at Emmie and hugged her, saying, "I know and you're right. He's never been anything but kind and supportive to me. This is just my insecurities talking. I'll work through them, starting tonight." Emmie smiled as I helped her stand up and I grinned as I saw her stomach protruding out at her hips. "Not to change the subject but your belly is so cute."

Emmie placed a hand on her stomach and said, "Thanks. I am so excited that I'm finally showing. Jin most definitely is." She picked up the last strand of hair still left to curl and quickly wrapped it around the curling iron. "I swear the bigger my belly gets the more turned on he seems to be."

Tear: A Kim Namjoon Fan Fiction (18+) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now