Chapter 11-Trap

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*Author Note-This chapter contains strong sexual content and graphic violence. Read at your own risk.*


~Christmas Eve~

As I walked away from Namjoon, leaving him standing by the front door, I felt my heart drop into my stomach. How could HyunKi have escaped and better yet, how could Namjoon keep this from me?

I was feeing so many emotions all at once as I walked out into the sun room and sat down. I was angry, scared, nervous, and shocked all in one. This couldn't be happening. Ki was many things but I never ever thought he'd do something this stupid. I had to know the truth of what was really happening and there was only one person that would give me the answers I needed. I took out my phone and as soon as I found the name I'd been looking for I dialed and waited for him to answer.

After three rings I heard a friendly voice say, "Hello? Aera?"

"Hi Hoseok," I answered back. "Do you have a minute to talk?"

"Of course I do, hold on just a moment," he answered and I could hear muffled voices before he spoke again. "Sorry about that. I was holding Nabi and I had to hand her to Emmie."

"Awe, how is she? I haven't gotten to see her since the day Jin and Emmie brought her home," I said.

"Nabi is just incredible. She's still tiny but most babies are when they're only three weeks old."

"That's so sweet, I miss her little face so much. Give her a kiss for me."

"I will," Hoseok said. "So you wanted to talk?"

"Yes I do.'re at Emmie and Jin's house huh?"

"Yes," he answered after briefly hesitating.

"Any particular reason? And not because it's Christmas Eve?"

He sighed and said, "He told you, didn't he?"

"Yes he did. Namjoon told me the truth. Finally. I know Ki escaped," I said, my voice laced with frustration. "I found out after my brother had to bring his fiancée and son here to Ilsan after Ki was spotted close to where they were staying."

"Aera, I-"

"Tell me the truth, Hoseok. I deserve to know everything. Not as my lawyer, talk to me as my friend. My friend that I trust. How in the hell did he escape?"

"The bus he was being transported on was hijacked by an underground wanna be mafia group. Looks like he made connections with some small time criminal he was in prison with before the guy was released. He helped orchestrate the escape."

I felt my palms start sweating and I asked, "Did he go to Jeju Island because Jungkook and Sunni were there?"

"No I don't think so. I believe he went there thinking he wouldn't be recognized or spotted. Idiot must not realize every cop in South Korea is looking for him," he scoffed. "They were there by coincidence and once my contact called me with his location they left immediately and came to you. I promise that's the truth."

"So what are you doing to find him?" I asked him pointedly.

"I have assisted the police with whatever they've needed and I have my own team of investigators tracking his-"

Tear: A Kim Namjoon Fan Fiction (18+) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now