Chapter 16: After

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I called out my friends name as soon as I saw him get out of his car and walk toward a black SUV. As soon as he turned his head and saw me and Taehyung walking toward him his eyes widened slightly in shock.

Several men dressed in what looked like black tactical wear surrounded him and he put his hand up, stopping them with a simple wave. "Namjoon, Taehyung, what-"

"What am I doing here?" I said angrily. "Funny, I was going to ask you the same thing."


"What the hell is going on and why in the fuck is Aera alone in a motel room with HyunKi right now?" I growled out

He held his hands up in surrender and said "Namjoon, calm down. Everything is under control."

"Under control?" I shouted, prompting Taehyung to place a hand on my shoulder in an effort to quiet me down.

"I assure you that Aera is protected, the whole motel is surrounded," he said, looking away before looking back to me. "I know you have a lot of questions-"

"You're goddamn right I do-"

"-and I am happy to explain everything to you but not right now, it's going to have to wait."

"I want answers Hoseok," I snarled at him and he nodded almost sadly. "For now tell me how to get her out of there safely."

He quickly told Taehyung and I his plan, how he had the place surrounded and had people posing as motel staff that were armed and ready to pull Aera out once HyunKi has been apprehended. It was a decent well thought out plan. However, if anyone was going to end this once and for all and save Aera from that man it was going to be me.

"So you say you have guys on site," Taehyung asked. "Logic would suggest that HyunKi would have people helping him too."

Hoseok huffed out a smug laugh and said, "He had three small time thugs with him that turned on him the instant they were, well, offered a different alternative."

"As in?"

"As in they turn him over or they'd spending the rest of their short lives in a wheelchair," he stated.

I looked at him in shock and asked him, "Who the hell are you, man?"

Hoseok's face dropped before his jaw squared and simply said, "Later, Namjoon."

I shook my head in frustration and I held my hand out to him before saying, "Gun."

"What?" Hoseok asked, looking at me in disbelief. "You're not seriously suggesting-"

"I told you, Hoseok, I am getting her out of there, me. No one else," I snapped defiantly.

"Namjoon, maybe you should let him help," Taehyung suggested. "He's clearly prepared for this."

I shook my head at him before saying, "I'm her fiancé, Tae. That girl is my whole life and I will always do what I can to protect her and keep her safe, no matter what that entails. She's everything to me and I'm not sitting by while someone else saves her."

Tear: A Kim Namjoon Fan Fiction (18+) Book 3Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora