Chapter 13- Bait

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Two days after Christmas, Namjoon and I returned to Seoul along with Jungkook, Sunni, and Ji. I'd had an incredible time at Namjoon's parents house; it had become a magical place for me and I wasn't ready to leave. I had fallen in love with his parents and would miss seeing them everyday. I was already looking forward to seeing them again in a few weeks when they came to Seoul for Jungkook and Sunni's wedding.

As happy as I was to go back home and begin planning my wedding with Namjoon I couldn't lie to myself that I was anxious as well. Being back in Seoul meant that I would be hearing from Hoseok about our plan to trap Ki. I sent him a text before we flew home letting him know I wanted to discuss the next steps and he reminded me again that he wasn't fully comfortable with including me. I, however, was ready to finish this once and for all and despite being nervous about facing Ki again I insisted I wanted to move forward. I was engaged to marry the man of my dreams and I wasn't letting anyone take that away.

Namjoon didn't want me going back to my apartment alone with Ki still on the loose so he insisted until he was caught that I stay with him. I would've protested, knowing it would make being a part of Ki's capture harder to be involved in, but I relented because I didn't want him to be suspicious. It was just going to make keeping this from him even harder. I loved him and I had no reason not to trust that he'd keep me safe but with Hoseok's confession as well as the men he was connected to that made it more dangerous to involve him. I also gave Hoseok my word that I'd keep his connections a secret and no matter what I would never ever go back on it.

As soon as we arrived at his home, Namjoon carried our luggage in from the car and placed it in the bedroom. I followed him and started picking up one of my bags to unpack when he stopped me by wrapping me in his arms. "That can wait," he said, kissing me with a smile on his lips. "I want to kiss my beautiful fiancee first."

"Mmm," I moaned as he kissed me lightly. "I love hearing you call me that."

"Believe me, I love saying it."

"Feel free to kiss me like this anytime you want to," I replied with a grin and he smiled as he sighed deeply. "No matter what I'm doing, even if I look busy, stop me and kiss me like this all the time."

"Don't worry, I will," he replied with a smile before sighing again. "Listen, Aera, I know the reason you're here isn't a great one but I can't lie. It's going to be so nice waking up next to you in my bed every morning," he said, holding me close to him.

I chuckled and said, "You've woken up next to me every morning for the last ten days."

"I know and I'm now I'm spoiled," he stated and I laughed lightly. "I never want to wake up without you again."

"Well, you know after Ki is finally back in custody I will eventually have to go back home," I said with a sigh.

"Or not," he teased. "I mean, we are engaged now so this is your home now whenever you're ready."

"Really?" I asked him. "You're sure about that?"

"You never have to go back to your apartment if you don't want to," he said. "However I don't want you to feel pressured, like you have to move in with me just because we're engaged. If you want to stay in your own space a little longer that's okay with me."

"So if I say I want to stay in my own place until we're married you'd let me do that? No questions, no arguments, just like that?" I asked him.

"Yes I would," he said, his tone sincere. "I'm not your ex. I'll never force anything on you that you don't want. I proposed because I knew deep down you'd say yes even before you told me you would. I wouldn't have if I thought you weren't ready for that step with me. It's the same for this situation. This is your home just as much as mine, Aera, and that will never change. Whenever you're ready the door will be open. It doesn't even have to be this house. We can look for another one or build one together, whatever you want."

Tear: A Kim Namjoon Fan Fiction (18+) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now